These two men was working for my old boss . We did a lot of crooked business .All of us was paid $3000 dollars each .Things started to get bad for everyone .Less jobs , Less orders .
Everyone decided to quit , start fresh .Boss two guards turned to crime and greed .Stealing from families , homeless .News Reports video surfaced about those two guards .
Officer Kato
What was the two guards names ?Where do they stay ? Please give us any information you can on those two guards .We need to find them immediately .Many lives are at stake here Cora .
Cora Lodge
I have no idea where those two stay or live . There names Ino and Tito .That is all I know about those two guards .May I leave now ?
Officer Stein
Yes you may leave now thank you for answering our questions . We will update you if we find them . Officer Kato follow me we have some work to do .
Wrenna House
Thank you to my 35k followers . I am very grateful for you all .Thank you for supporting me from up to now .Thank you for all your gifts and flowers .Thank you for your kindness .I will be doing a small giveaway on my nstagram .Bye everyone ! Love you all . Wren come help me cook dinner ! I'm hungry !
I'm busy give me 20 minutes .I'll be out grab two pots and one skillet .I'll be there in a few minutes . Grab your clothes and I'll drive you home . My sister is way to noisy .
Thank you for the good time .Call me whenever you need me .I have a business meeting to go .Driver bring my limo around I need to leave immediately .
Your welcome .I'll call you tommrow .
Jumps out of window
Opens door
Wrenna grab two steaks .Two cans of green beans .And a bag of rice . Fill up both pots with water .I'll cook the steak .You can cook the rice and green beans .Make sure you wash the green beans before putting them in the pot . Take off all stems .
Okay I'll take and do as you said dear brother . What took you so long to come out of your room ?I smell perfume . What happened ?
Nothing happened . Me and Ling talked we slept together . Then Ling jumped out of my window .Ling mentioned a business meeting . That is all that happened in my room . How did your yoo tube video go ?
My yoo tube video went great .I thanked all of my supporters .For their support and kindness .Also I thanked them for their gifts and flowers . I'm hosting a small giveaway , I need to get everything set up . I'll do it after I help cook dinner and eat .
That is great sis . I'm proud of you for following your dreams . Steak should be done in half a hour .I'll grab two plates and cups .
Thank you brother that means alot to me . Thank you for always supporting my dreams . I hope one day you find your happiness .
Your welcome sister . I hope I find happiness to .
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