zhě was walking through the streets of Beijing, looking for a good place to eat. Meanwhile, David said nothing and was watching Shībài
zhě closely.
“Kid if you keep staring at me like, you’re gonna burn a hole through my head.” Shībài zhě finally said as he was annoyed with the constant staring.
“Sorry.” David finally said, “I’m just taking notes on what to do.”
After the explosive argument with his parents, David had wandered through most of New York with no place to sleep, until he came to find an alley behind a hotel where he slept near the trashcans. And just like before, David discovered that he was in China with Shībài zhě. Once he had eaten breakfast, David had asked him how to live on the streets.
“Look I know you asked me to teach you how to fight but I can’t teach you how to live on the street now can I.” Shībài zhě had said.
But David was not ready to give up, as he was watching Shībài zhě closely.
“You know I didn’t think about this before but,” David said. “Are you a beggar or just homeless?”
“Just homeless you little brat.” Shībài zhě said even more annoyed now.
“Then how do you earn money.”
“Well unlike you, I don’t rely on Part-time jobs, I actually have a job.”
“You’ll see.” Shībài zhě answered as they turned the corner.
David was curious as to what Shībài zhě does for a living as he had told him last time that it was his day off. Despite turning towards alleys and alleys, they reached a wide street with what looked to be a house but on top of it, something was written in Chinese. David couldn’t understand it but all of a sudden, the words morphed into English and spelled out ‘The Le Zhao Job Center’.
“The words morphed into English for you didn’t it.” Shībài zhě called out at David when he turned back as he reached the door.
“What?” David answered, confused. “How did you know?”
“The same thing happened to me when I was with you. All the letters seemed to turn to Chinese even though I can clearly understand Engli…”
But before he could finish his sentence, a hand had appeared through the door, and it pulled Shībài zhě in. David was pulled in along with him so far that he was inside the building. Before he could take in the environment, he saw a large man who was holding Shībài zhě high above and was about to smash him to the ground.
“SHIBàI ZHě” the man screamed as he brought his hand down. “YOU FREELOADER”
David was ready to pull Shībài zhě out of his grasp, but before he could Shībài zhě had already slipped out away from him and was instead standing on his shoulders with his fists raised and aimed at the man’s face. To David, this seemed like a victory for Shībài zhě but before being hit, the man ran backward into a wall to knock Shībài zhě over and in front of him where he punched him so hard that Shībài zhě was blown back into a wall, but David saw that he had blocked the attack and had thus minimized most of the damage. The man rushed at Shībài zhě to hit him again, but this time Shībài zhě hit him first. Normally David would say that a person with a bigger body would be the winner in a fight, but this fight proved him wrong. Unlike the strong and slow punch of the man from earlier, Shībài zhě’s counter-attack was not only much faster and followed by even faster attacks, but they also seemed powerful as the man was being pushed back at a much greater rate. Shībài zhě was going in for the final strike to finish him by aiming for his face again but the man also counter-attacked by aiming at Shībài zhě’s face. The winner would be the one who would hit the other one first but suddenly a voice spoke out.
Both Shībài zhě and the man stopped. All three of them turned their heads toward the entrance and there stood a man that looked older than Shībài zhě but in perfect shape as well.
“Well, it looks like Shībài zhě’s back. And it looks like he brought a friend with him as well.” He said as he looked in David’s direction. “Hello there.”
Both Shībài zhě and David were too stunned to speak as the old man smiled at David.
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