The bus was back where they had first parked. Suzanne worried about the passenger’s reaction to seeing Mike in the flesh, as it were. Being told about the strange being was one thing, but seeing and talking to it up close was another altogether. She exited the bus again. She decided to walk straight to the townhouse; as she set off, she noticed almost everyone following behind. Looking back for a moment, she noticed a few people remaining on the bus. The older lady she’d seen crying earlier was peering anxiously after them behind a window. There's nothing she could do about that right now. She continued onward towards the tiny neighbourhood of three houses that seemed like it had been cut out of some city and dropped into the middle of this small piece of land. When they were still maybe half a block away, she felt her head hurting briefly, but it went away as quickly as it came. She grimaced. Hadn't this happened before as well? she wondered. She wasn’t really prone to migraines, but maybe the extraordinary stress of their situation made them more likely.
"It looks like Brooklyn," a young woman wearing a baseball cap said to a young man beside her. Suzanne stood at the base of the stairs of the middle building, the one that was "her’s", according to Mike. The passengers had formed a half circle around her and were looking up at the entrance door expectantly. It was closed again.
"This is the one," Suzanne announced to the crowd. She tried to assess their mood. Nobody looked excessively angry, for which she was thankful, though there were a few visibly unhappy faces, which was hardly surprising. There was a feeling of nervous anticipation in the air, which yearned to be quenched. She decided there was nothing left to do but rip off the band-aid and get it over with. She walked up the stairs and rang the doorbell. She wondered if Mike would come to the door because it seemed like he wouldn't come near it unless he was asked, but she didn't have to worry because she heard clinking footsteps approaching the door, and it opened. Mike stood in the doorway.
"Hello, Suzanne. I noticed you approaching. You don’t need to ring the bell to come in; after all, this is your home," Mike said. Behind her, Suzanne heard the crowd gasp and mutter.
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