If you need anything else, tell me anytime.
Then, the next time you do an event with PK,
can my daughter come along with you to watch?
I'm sorry but it's a private event that can't be made public.
I guess it must be some kind of secret party stage that only really special people can attend then.
Yes, it's seriously special.
Just getting autographs is good enough for me.
My daughter will love these.
Oh, these...
This picture isn't for me. It's for my wife.
My wife asked me to print these using the company's color printer so I have them.
I keep on losing weight. I can keep eating.
Whipped cream.
It's a picture stimulator for dieting.
My wife sticks them in front of the scale.
Diet stimulator?
She sticks these pictures and whenever she weighs herself, she gets angry, annoyed, then sighs
and gets really stressed out.
Sounds great. If I get to work with Lucifer Entertainment, it'll be a great honor.
You're extremely skinny. You're not suffering from some kind of eating disorder, are you?
Even though I eat, I don't gain weight.
How could that be possible?
Are you taking drugs or getting surgeries done on yourself?
No, no! To tell the truth, I got a diet tattoo from someone my friend introduced me to.
It might just be a psychological thing, but I really don't gain weight anymore.
Just as Sam Jang suspected, it's a glutton.
It lives off of a tattoo on their bodies.
Then we just need to get rid of the tattoo on her.
This girl isn't the only one in danger.
There must be an evil spirit that is spreading the gluttons by making those tattoos.
If we don't get rid of it, the gluttons will continue to spread.
So we need to find the evil spirit who is drawing those tattoos.
From now on, you will need to find it.
That evil spirit approaches people by recognizing current society's strong desire to not gain weight.
We've never had such a desire
so it will not approach us.
So you will need to do it.
But I've never had that kind of desire before either.
Why are you being like this?
I've only thought that for my health's sake, it's not good to gain weight.
Are you kidding?
Will you keep this up?
All right. What does gluttonous lump have to do?
What the? Why is it so cold inside the house?
All of the boilers are turned off.
Air conditioner? Who the heck turns on the air conditioner in the middle of winte— was it you?
Since it was too warm, I turned the air conditioning on.
Winter General told me I have to stay in a crunch, thin ice mode to keep my body from rotting.
Is my house a kimchi fridge?
I can't bear the cold at all. Hurry and turn the boiler on and the air conditioner off!
Just give it here.
Then what about me?
I will rot and smell.
Just go into the fridge, then you'll be just fine.
Hey. Allowing a girl that's supposed to be in a coffin to stay in a fridge instead
- is giving you a life of luxury.
- Yes.
You there, Zombie. Did you buy yourself a phone?
Sa Oh Jeong-nim gave it to me.
In all my life, I've never seen a zombie as luxurious as you.
I'm not just a zombie; I have a name.
I don't want to know the name that you all came up with by yourselves.
(Kakao Talk signal)
Everyone's at Summer Fairy's place.
What the? Did you get an invitation to the group chat too?
Kakao. Kakao.
Why is it so noisy? Go message them in the fridge!
Sam Jang said she will chase down an evil spirit.
What? By herself?
Kakao. Kakao.
Hand it over.
[Unni Sam Jang: A glutton appeared at Club Heaven!!]
Are you going to go to Unni?
Forget it. I didn't even get an invitation.
Your name is Bu Ja?
Yes. Since I have Unni's blood in me I'm taking her last name.
So my full name is Jin Bu Ja.
Hey, you're my minion since I'm the one who woke you up.
I'm the one who sent Sam Jang's blood flying. Me!
I heard. Coincidentally Unni called your name on the mountain
where I woke up from the dead.
Then instead of Jin Bu Ja,
- should I go by the name Son Bu Ja?
- Son Bu Ja?
No, stick with Jin Bu Ja.
Thank you.
Regardless, Unni is the most special to me, so I preferred Jin Bu Ja, too.
I only said that because I don't like the sound of Son Bu Ja.
I bet Sam Jang must be happy as a lark to have her own special Jin Bu Ja.
But you are the most special person to her.
Stop kidding, I didn't even get invited to the group chat.
For me, I've got KakaoTalk
but you have your own one-to-one direct line with her.
With that, she can call you directly, one-to-one.
You're right. There's no reason be invited to the group chat.
Since we have a special one-to-one bond.
She says she went to the club right now.
She calls people well on that group chat,
yet why won't she call me directly?
Always wearing black clothes.
Should I have brought that guy with me?
I don't save anyone but you.
I feel like I keep gaining weight these days.
I want to die.
Oh my, hello there.
- Who are you?
- You're a member of Kingdom Fitness Center, aren't you?
I saw you there a few times while I was working out.
- Is that so?
- But every time I see you...
You seem to keep getting thinner and thinner.
No matter how much I eat, I don't gain any weight.
Not gaining any weight no matter how much you eat,
I'm very jealous.
Should I make that happen for you?
That must be the glutton Sam Jang is after.
I hear there's a bug on your tattoo.
Are you hitting on me right now?
No, it's just that there's a bug on you.
So where is this so-called bug?
Right here.
I ate all that food but why do I feel so low in energy?
That's because all this time you weren't the one that was eating.
Woah, woah. Get a hold of yourself.
Just where is Sam Jang?
There she is.
Wow, it's a dress today?
What's wrong with her?
Hey, Jin Seon Mi.
- Oh, Son Oh Gong!
- That's the name you should have called for earlier.
In the meantime, that glutton attached itself to you.
I figured out where the evil spirit spreading the gluttons is.
Let's get the glutton that's on you off first.
Wait! You really don't need to get rid of him right now though.
Let me eat just a little longer.
Let me eat as much as I want while I can do so without gaining weight.
Until when?
Let me eat as much I want for just one week and then get rid of him.
Just 3 days then. After 3 days I'll be sure to let you get rid of him.
Then at least let me finish all thi...
Let's go. Hurry and get up already.
It's true that the start of all this is the diet tattoo.
This is the business card of the tattoo artist.
However, it turns out this person has a second job.
Instructor, I only have 15 days left until my wedding but I'm not losing any weight despite how much I run.
Then would like you like to try the tattoo?
The diet tattoo that's all the rage these days?
Would you like to try it out?
This is it, right?
Yes. It's the tattoo I gave the members here in exchange for money.
Did someone report me for fraud?
Do you think that giving diet tattoos is fraud?
I acknowledge that it is a lie.
Still, perhaps due to a placebo effect, there were many people who really lost weight.
So you're just a con artist.
I will report this to the police.
That woman just drew tattoos for money.
She didn't insert the glutton into it.
Then, where do you think it came from?
The weak minds of humans who want to hang onto even the most ridiculous lies.
Instructor, I only have 15 days left until my wedding but I'm not losing any weight despite how much I run.
If I didn't lose any weight, I'm going to die.
[In body examination]
[Weight 50.2 kg
Muscle mass 22.1
Body fat percentage 10.6]
I really want to die.
It went up again.
Why isn't it going down?
I'm really going to go crazy. Should I throw up?
[Weight 101.6 kg
Muscle mass 33.4
Body fat percentage 41.8]
[Weight 90.5 kg
Muscle mass 33.5
Body fat percentage 27.8]
[Weight 156.8 kg
Muscle mass 83.2
Body fat percentage 57.5]
Don't stuff any food down starting from tomorrow!
This is driving me crazy!
Should I throw up?
Why am I not losing any weight? Why?
I want to die.
You'll be in danger if you stay there! Come down!
What the heck?
What I was looking for was you.
Don't interfere.
Humans came to me on their own will.
I just fulfill their wishes.
You merely dug into a person's weak mind.
Do you think you can get rid of me?
Then you will need to kill this woman first.
Since I won't be moving an inch from here!
No. You're going to come to me.
Come here.
Son Oh Gong!
Take care of the woman.
I can't leave my place.
Ma Wang, these are the pictures Sam Jang shared in the group chat.
She finished it well.
Sam Jang's pretty good.
You're going to get the points you need in no time, Ma Wang.
The humans' negative feelings keep creating evil spirits.
I worry that those feelings will actually make this world into a real hell.
Is that why you sent Sam Jang here?
Because soon the world might really open the gates of hell?
Is Sam Jang a sacrificial offering
to stop those gates of hell from opening?
The jar's going to overflow soon.
Hey, I told you bleeding is really dangerous.
If I'm not protecting you by your side right now, you'd already be dead.
You know that?
Let's take a look.
Why are you treating it with medicine? Treat it with magic!
Just like before, go swish-swoosh and make it heal right up.
Do you think going swish-swoosh to heal it is that easy?
What I did earlier was super tiring, you know.
You go around boasting about being the Great Sage, the equal of heaven, but you're nothing much after all.
Since you are such an amazing person, I couldn't just call you.
You couldn't just call me?
That means you wanted to, right?
You wanted to see me?
If you missed me that much, why did you hold back?
I'm not saying I wanted to see you, I'm saying I felt burdened.
You are the Great Sage, and I'm a human who doesn't amount to much.
And I'm sorry for using Geumganggo to tie you down.
Oh? "If you're sorry, take this off!" is what I thought you would say, but you're not saying anything?
Because even if you don't remove it, it's definitely going to come off. Someday.
Until then, I will love you without any burden on my heart.
This love that's bound to end and disappear without a trace,
I'm just going to pour it onto you like crazy.
End and disappear?
Of course. My feelings are fake anyway.
I'll be done and you'll be alone again.
Until then, I'll be by your side.
I love you, Jin Seon Mi.
Hey Bu Ja, you should be eating sacrificial offerings right now,
but you're eating our Oh Jeong's homemade food.
You're really living the good life.
I really am.
I'm really curious if I got to eat good food like this when I was alive, too.
Bu Ja, did you sleep in the fridge last night?
It stinks a bit again.
I'm trying to keep my temperature down, but Son Oh Gong kept turning up the boiler so I had to.
Hey, the girl is rotting. Turn the boiler down.
I was born from a volcano. Have you any idea how cold it is in here for me right now?
If you have such a problem with it, then you can find a room and leave. Turn up the boiler there!
Why should I?
Hey, Bu Ja. Forget about that crunch, thin ice mode business
and just go in the fridge over there and freeze yourself nice and hard.
When spring comes and the weather warms, I'll take you out to thaw. All good now.
Good grief, this cold-hearted nut job...
Bu Ja, you'll melt if you cry. Don't cry, okay?
What'd I do? What?
This is my house. If you have any complaints, get out! Geez!
Kakao. Kakao.
A text message has arrived.
Aigoo, more of that KakaoTalk business first thing in the morning.
What the? You also got invited to the group chat?
Yeah. Didn't you?
Shall I add you?
No. I mean, I'll just...
Ma Wang, Hyungnim hates group chats.
He said it's noisy and to not invite him.
Oh, he did? I shouldn't invite you?
No, I mean I dislike it. It's noisy, so of course I hate it.
But if you really want to add me...
I got it. I won't invite you.
Hyungnim, do you want more salad?
No! Forget it! I definitely won't eat it.
Very well, I definitely won't give you any.
Kakao. Kakao. A text message has arrived.
A text message has arrived. KakaoTalk.
KakaoTalk. Kakao. Kakao.
A text message has arrived. KakaoTalk.
We won't be noisy, so don't mind us.
KakaoTalk. Kakao. Kakao.
You all are seriously having some fun, aren't you?
A text message has arrived. KakaoTalk. Kakao. Kakao.
Today is New Year's Eve.
I hope that many of you will take part in the year-end party at the Summer Fairy's shop.
[Sa Oh Jeong: Okay.] [PK: Exciting!]
[Secretary Ma: I can come~!]
[Lucifer Entertainment: I can't come ㅠㅠ]
Welcome! The persimmons are delicious.
- I'll take some.
- Yes.
♫ My heart races at the look in your eyes ♫
♫ At your touch, here and there ♫
♫ I am wavering ♫
The purple color is very pretty. Here you go.
♫ With a few words from you, I get weak ♫
♫ When your body touches mine ♫
♫ I can't hold back a smile ♫
You're from that general store, aren't you?
Grandmother wants to see you. Let's go.
Me? How did you know I'd be here?
- Just follow me.
- Hold on.
This is the market in front of my house. It's really far from your shop
[Pirun-dong 28]
Pirun-dong? How did we get here just like that?
Why are you acting like a naive human?
You should know the answer to that already.
[General Store]
Oh? This is that jar from before.
Did it break?
They said everything seen in here is a misfortune.
Looks like you've seen it all.
What did I just see?
A misfortune that's going to happen in the future.
Will what I saw really happen?
Preventing it from actually happening...
that's what Sam Jang's summons is.
Mm, that smell.
Why isn't Sam Jang here yet?
I know, right?
I've got to steal her heart before the year ends.
There are only three minutes left till the new year. Think you can do it?
She said she's running late, so I suppose she will be here after the bell striking ceremony.
But that bell can only be hit by someone who comes from an influential family, right?
That's right. This year, that man is the first in line.
He's good-looking. Is he a celebrity?
[11 civilian representatives participating in bell striking ceremony]
Kang Dae Seong, a professor of Department of History at Korea University. In three minutes, he will be 45 years old.
He's being mentioned as a race runner.
Race runner?
Is he an athlete?
Presidential race. Not some sport but the presidential election, you ignorant pig.
I-I... I know that, of course! The president!
I was just trying to be funny.
You're so damn (pun on the word dog) frustrating. Don't you know what a joke is?
Now, now. Please stop it, you two.
Even in the heavenly realm, they're keeping an eye on Kang Dae Seong.
Then I should become close friends with him when we meet.
I know this person.
[First bell striker Kang Dae Seong, a professor of history at Korea University]
I saw him.
Did you remember something?
Where did you see him?
Ah, so you saw him recently, huh?
I thought it was a memory from before you died.
You must have remembered him because he's so handsome.
Even his name is an edge to it. Kang Dae Seong.
Kang Dae Seong...
Oh! He's ringing the bell now!
Three, two, one. Happy New Year!
Wow, then how old are you, Secretary Ma?
Be quiet, Pig.
I'm 10,400 years old.
- Drink up, drink up.
- It's disgusting. Ugh.
2979, 2980, 2981, 2982, 2983.
When my drinking ban is over, you're the first one I'm drinking!
Son Oh Gong.
She called.
Are you a new person because it's a new year?
It hasn't even been a minute since the new year started and you already called.
Yeah. The situation changed.
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