What changed?
I saw the world getting destroyed.
Sam Jang saw the gates of Hell being opened on Earth?
Sam Jang received the summons, that's all.
Is one mere human able to stop that?
Well, that's why we put Son Oh Gong by her side.
Then I should change the question I asked you before.
The offering that needs to be made to prevent the gates of Hell from opening...
is it Sam Jang or is it Son Oh Gong?
Son Oh Gong, I... no Sam Jang needs to do a very amazing thing.
You said you didn't want to protect insignificant little humans, right?
Now that I've seen it, being worthy of the great protection of the Great Sage, the equal of heaven,
is how incredibly important of a person I actually am.
That's quite some honor.
- You are awfully strong, right?
- Yes.
No matter what happens to me, you'll always stay beside me, right?
That's what I keep saying.
Then that's enough.
Then I can do it.
Son Oh Gong, the Great Sage, the equal of heaven, protect me until the end.
♫ When I saw you ♫
♫ I think only about you ♫
♫ When I love you ♫
Alright. Even if the world falls apart,
I'll protect you.
♫ I will ♫
♫ I wish you next, just as we are ♫
♫ Can I go back ♫
♫ When I saw you ♫
♫ Always behind of you ♫
♫ Always behind of you ♫
What kind of trick do you think you're playing by acting innocent?
- Because I love you.
- I guess I should love you.
Why are you doing this? It's making my heart flutter. Ah, I love, love.
I think I'll end up liking you who says you love me.
We may never know what kinds of scandalous secrets some people may be hiding.
- What is this?!
- It was you.
If you're in a dangerous situation, call for Son Oh Gong.
- Son Oh Gong.
- Jin Seon Mi! Open your eyes! I said open your eyes!
I shouldn't be doing this.
Jin Seon Mi!
President Woo Hwi of Lucifer Entertainment 1930s Record Film Donation]
Oh, thank you.
Thank you.
The 1930's record film you donated will become a priceless legacy.
You did something great.
It was no big deal.
It was a big deal.
In order to retrieve that film from Heidelberg University in Germany,
he traveled five times and donated one million dollars.
When you display the film, we ask that you please place a write-up of all his efforts with it.
- What do you mean?
- A great deed must be known.
When we host the film screening, we plan on extensively announcing all your achievements.
Aigoo, there is no need to do that...
Also, from the Ministry of Culture,
I heard that you will be receiving the presidential medal
for cultural artist award.
The presidential medal?
Oh, well they didn't have to do such...
This kind of good deed is another way for me to become a god.
There is nothing to be impressed about receiving an award from a human,
but it feels good to show off, so it's not so bad.
I will spread around the article extensively so that there will be many opportunities for you to boast freely.
They said the medal ceremony will be televised live, right?
I better get a new outfit made. I have nothing to wear next week.
Excuse me. We will pass by.
There are interesting things at a museum.
Among the old items, there are ones which the owners' souls are attached to.
Be careful! This sword belonged to a general who saved this nation.
It seems like the owner of that sword is a remarkable person.
The one who saved the country. It's her.
The one who used that sword to save the nation is that woman,
but it seems people are mistaken about the general.
If they find out it's an unknown woman's sword instead of an honorable general's sword,
they wouldn't cherish it that way.
Among the preciously displayed objects in this place
many probably hold different truths than what has been known.
[A Beautiful Donation]
Some could hold hideous secrets perhaps.
Is this the motel where strange things happen?
Yes. There's been many strange rumors, so customers have stopped coming.
The owner got scared and wants to sell it as fast as possible, so he's asking for half the market value.
Let's go in.
Whoa, the bathtub is extremely big.
What do you mean by strange rumors?
Well, first of all, this is a motel, you know?
So what it is is the kind of bling-bling, you know?
So when couples are in the midst of their love-love business,
they say something strange just pops out all of sudden and ruins it all.
It doesn't make sense, right? They should go to the hospital or eat some eel instead (believed to be an aphrodisiac).
They're only making excuses because they're lacking, seriously.
It seems like there isn't anything especially odd.
There is something. Who is that?
Wow, this is great! I like it.
The room is nice and warm. Oh, this is totally my style.
Why does that guy keep following us wherever we work these days?
That guy... That guy is the one who was at your house that time, right?
- The one who told me to get lost.
- Look at this style.
Don't worry about him. He's someone who protects me... kind of.
Guard? He's a guard?
The entertainment company already gave you a personal bodyguard?
Well, it's something like that.
It's not like you're even the least bit famous, but they're already giving you a bodyguard.
Lucifer Entertainment... Wow, it's the jackpot!
Giving you a bodyguard already... Wow, Lucifer Entertainment.
Whoa, jackpot!
It even has this sort of thing? Wow, this is totally state-of-the-art.
CEO, but just because you're not popular yet,
I think they assigned you a person who's lacking something, too. He's a bit...
- Weird, right?
- Yes.
But he can hear even if we whisper, so we can't badmouth him.
If we badmouth him, we'll be in trouble.
Oh, you're here? Alright, just a minute.
The building owner came with the key to the rooftop. I'll go get it.
Son Oh Gong, there seems to be an evil spirit in here, right?
I'm not sure. But this room is really great.
The bed's big. The bathtub's big. I want to live in a room like this.
- This isn't a room you can live in.
- I can't live here?
Then, what do you do here?
That's enough. Knock it off with the embarrassing talk and find the evil spirit already.
Why? What's wrong? This room has a way bigger TV than your house.
Do you want to watch a movie with me tonight?
Oh! Wow, they even deliver chicken. I really like chicken!
[Fried Chicken]
So a place like this existed in this world. I should sleep here before I go.
- What?
- Who do you think you're trying to fool with the innocent act?
Aren't you embarrassed of lying while looking at me straight in the face?
I am embarrassed. You think I wouldn't be?
But what can I do? Since I love you.
That's what love is like. So what if I get a little embarrassed?
When today, I could even sleep with you here.
I'm embarrassed of your love talk.
Right... I should love you.
What's happening?
What are you doing? Making my heart flutter...
You heard earlier. We have to "love-love" for the evil spirit to appear.
Oh, "love-love."
That's a good idea, but I don't think this is enough to make it appear.
- When it appears, you catch it right away.
- Okay.
But, you know, if it still doesn't appear, what should we do?
Well, in that case...
U-um, in that case...
Hold on.
Why, you! No manners whatsoever!
That thing!
- You caught it?
- Yeah. But I don't think there's just one.
Let's hurry and keep going.
You know there's only one! Don't try any funny business!
Agh, that damned evil spirit. Seriously...
But why was that evil spirit attracted to this place?
Huh? [Fried Chicken]
It was attracted to a truly filthy wickedness that exists here.
A filthy desire to watch people in secret and the obscene greed to make money off of it.
There was something like this in the room.
This must be something a person set up, right?
Of course.
The owner says he's available to sign a contract right away.
Hello. Who will I be signing a contract with...
Ah, damn it...
- Catch that person!
- Pardon?
- Hurry! Hurry!
- Why, why, why?!
Sir! Sir!
Oh my god! Oh my god!
Are you all right?
Turns out we caught both an evil spirit and an evil person today.
If we keep digging up one after another like this, we should be able to prevent the evil events I see.
Don't you think so too, Son Oh Gong?
Whether this world breaks apart or blows up, it has nothing to do with me.
I just need to protect you because I love you.
I'm thankful.
But still, this world I love shouldn't get destroyed.
What you love isn't important.
The only thing that's important is that I love you.
That's right. No matter how I feel, the only person in love is you.
I'm going to go home, so you can leave.
Let's go together. I like going with you.
Because you love me?
Then I guess there's nothing I can do.
What do you mean? Why?
The air's nice for once, and the band I like released a new song.
I wanted to go for a walk by myself while listening to it.
When going for a walk in a good mood while listening to good music and breathing in good air,
me being next to you should make it even better, no?
I guess it's not.
The only person in love is you. I'm not in love.
But you know I'm not in love because I want to be.
Okay, I get it. Come with me then.
- Go by yourself.
- You can come with me.
Never mind, go.
Hurry and go!
I'll be done, and you'll be alone again.
I have to come to my senses.
Is this it?
What the...
What is this?
Do you want to know who I am?
You're a Japanese kid? How did you get in? Who are you?!
Nobody must know who I am.
Don't come near me. Stay away!
What the...
Damn it!
Who was that kid earlier?
She's not coming, right?
The news about you receiving the presidential medal made the main page of the web portal.
Ah, is that so? Let's see...
They should've used a good picture of me...
[Lucifer Entertainment Chairman Woo Hwi Receives Presidential Medal]
Should I post in the group chat that you'll be receiving the medal?
When it's on the front page of the site like this, I'm sure everyone's seen it. It's fine.
You worked hard.
Oh, Chairman.
These packages just arrived. Why don't you take them with you?
Ah, yes, of course.
Huh? These are Jin Bu Ja's again.
That girl is in a home shopping craze these days. What's with all these?
It's another day that you have a lot of outside visitors.
Any visitor who parks
needs to get a parking sticker first. Please be aware from now on.
Yes, I understand. But it seems like there are a lot of visitors today?
Yes, as you can see.
By the way, I saw the article about you.
You mean the presidential medal?
That's why all your acquaintances must have come to hold a party to congratulate you.
Just what is so great about a presidential medal? They are making such a fuss!
Aigoo, congratulations!
♫ Always by your side...
These darn people are really— The presidential medal...
The presidential medal.
It seems like everyone came.
Ma Wang!
- Ma Wang.
- So you have been waiting for me?
Those are mine, right?
Oh, you were waiting for the packages.
But... it doesn't look like anything much is prepared.
It's not like this is a distribution center. Hey, Bu Ja.
I told you to take off the address labels on the packages
and flatten them up for recycling instead of piling them up like this, didn't I?
So you've arrived, Ma Wang.
Oh! You're here too are you, Pal Gye?
Oh this, what is it?
- Why are you here?
- You know I come here just to eat and play a lot these days.
Playing and eating all day, are you some kind of a pig?
Oh yeah, you are a pig.
Jeo Pal Gye, are you a pig?
I'm not an ordinary pig.
Oh, this? Oh, it's this!
This is it, right? The perfume to cover up the smell of decay, right?
Ah, that's the perfume that got the presidential medal for getting rid of the rotting smell!
Son Oh Gong recommended this to me.
It's lotus flower fragrance.
Good. Good. Spray it all over yourself.
Internet, Internet, huh? Internet. The main page of the website.
So you've arrived, Ma Wang?
What is all this?
Hyungnim Oh Gong said that he's lost his appetite these days,
so I made him some side dishes.
I read on the news today that you have a tour
scheduled for Europe with the VIP of the Blue House starting tomorrow, no?
Yeah, that's why I was going to make a few different types of side dishes before leaving.
There's not a single one of the dishes I like.
If you tell me what you like, I'll make it for you.
It's alright.
Okay, then I won't make it.
Damn it. Nobody knew.
No wonder. I thought my cosmetics kept running low.
So you've been using them, huh?
Let me remind you again. The house is under joint ownership, not everything in the house.
Don't use my stuff and don't hang your clothes on my bull horn.
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