Also, when visitors come, tell the security office beforehand and get a parking sticker.
And tell Bu Ja to stop having packages delivered.
If you've brought a kid in, you should take her out for walks or something.
You keep shoving her in the fridge, so she keeps watching home shopping all day!
Look! You use my cosmetics and you don't even close the caps!
You thug.
Anyway, congrats, Ma Wang. I heard you're getting an award.
- You knew?
- Yeah.
I heard it's some first place prize. How amazing. That's Ma Wang.
You use it by squeezing it out like this.
And you should use this as the step before. It's very effective.
If you're going to use it, use it directly.
Come here.
Around the eyes, gently, gently. There.
Ma Wang, I feel really crappy.
Even after taking a bath for three hours, I still don't feel any better.
Do you have low blood pressure? If you're low on sugar, it can happen.
Eat some sweets and go to bed.
Ma Wang. Sam Jang says she doesn't like me.
You already knew that.
You're in a one-sided love.
I never realized that her not liking me would be this painful.
Her pain is your pain. When she's hurting, you'll hurt too.
However, your pain isn't her pain.
Even if you collapse from pain, she'll feel nothing.
Only I am hurting, and she is not.
It feels like I'm always losing. This is the worst.
If you don't want to be in pain, then all you have to do is not love her,
but that's not a possibility for you now is it, Great Sage?
It's not like you can share the pain.
You're going to get dark circles.
Here, here. Put this on your face before you sleep.
I was taking a walk but didn't want to walk home alone.
So I came to have a drink. Is that alright for you?
There are nights when we don't want to be alone.
But why did you come alone? You should have called Son Oh Gong.
He doesn't like being called when he can't even drink.
Even if he doesn't like it, he will come whenever you call him.
But I don't like that anyway. It's not like he is coming on his own free will.
He has no choice but to come because of the Geumganggo.
You must be sad that it's not genuine.
Pardon? What's there to be sad about?
His feelings are all fake after all.
I'm a fool to take them seriously.
But even so, you shouldn't ignore them.
No matter what, right now he is in love with you and can get hurt easily.
The hurt he feels is real.
Last night, Sam Jang came to my sister's bar alone.
She went there alone?
Apparently, now that the two of them have gotten close, she's going to visit often when she wants to drink by herself.
Really? I guess I will stop by there every night then.
What's with them?
They're fans waiting for Jeo Pal Gye.
They hear rumors from time to time that he'll be coming here and wait like that all night for him.
How pitiful. Why in the world would they do something like that?
Because they love him. They chase after him like that to express their love.
Even though Jeo Pal Gye doesn't like them doing that.
Why wouldn't he like it when they're only following him around because they love him?
It's burdensome when people get so attached like that.
They've been there for hours putting in the effort just to give Pal Gye their gifts.
It's a bit pitiful.
You said you were taking this as a gift for Sam Jang, right?
Forget it. I'm not going to put in that kind of effort. I'm not pitiful like that!
Why should I take something like this to her?
Because you love her. Don't you?
General Winter, do I look the same as those girls to you?
Waiting even though no one said to come and giving gifts even though they weren't asked for.
Whenever you're about to lie you freeze up.
Am I really in the same boat with them?
As the Great Sage, the equal of heaven, shouldn't I be a bit different?
He's here! He's here! Omo! Pal Gye Oppa! I love you, Oppa!
Thanks to this, I think I'm crazily in love with you right now.
I can't leave since I keep wanting to see you.
Why do you miss me?
Because I love you this annoyingly!
Because I love you. Because I love you.
Because I love you. Because I love you.
Because you love me?
Then I guess there's nothing I can do.
It's exactly the same.
CEO, a ton of secret camera recordings were found at that motel owner's home.
I caught this incredibly heinous criminal. Me!
You did something really great, Lee Han Joo.
You're not hurt anywhere, are you?
Of course not. How could a man get injured over something like that?
Maybe it was because of this strong sense of justice telling me "You've gotta catch that guy,"
but in that moment my body just went whoosh flying through the air on it's own.
That's right. It went whoosh through the air indeed.
Oh, yeah. Wasn't the guy that was with us your guard?
How can a guard be like that? Just standing still in a time of danger?
Hurry and kick up a fuss asking them to have him switched out.
I'm not in a position to kick up a fuss to have him switched out.
And it's not like he's doing it because he wants to. It was my choice.
Our CEO is secretly a sucker for good looks, huh?
Go to the bank.
Of course. I'll be back.
Oh, that startled me!
[Emack & Bolio's] [Ice Cream that Rocks]
Were you here?
That realtor, how dare he cause trouble?
- Who does he think he is to butt in and tell you to switch me out?
- You heard that?
I'm an irreplaceable entity. I can't be switched out.
If you have any complaints, then switch out that human!
It's been three years since I've worked with Lee Han Joo.
I haven't even known you three weeks and yet you're telling me to switch him out?
So that's why you don't like me but value Lee Han Joo?
That's right. At the very least, Lee Han Joo knows that I don't like peanut flavored ice cream.
So you're saying that you don't like me or peanut ice cream.
Do you like Lee Han Joo?
You said you didn't care about what I like.
You don't need to know.
You're fine with just blindly loving me as you've been doing.
Then if I want to care about what you like, will you tell me?
I already knew that no matter how much I tell you I love you, you just take it as an annoyance.
And that you wouldn't care no matter how much pain I'm in.
The hurt he feels is real.
I'll stop saying that I like you,
so say what you like.
I'll listen and take interest in it.
Instead of peanut, what flavor do you like?
I like strawberry flavored ice cream.
Then I'll bring you strawberry ice cream from now on.
[F.T. Island Over Ten Years album]
- Is this the band that you like?
- Yeah.
What the heck? They're not even that good-looking.
They're good-looking to me!
And? What else do you like?
You're always in black. Do you like the color black?
I like green.
I like green too.
The things that you like are important to me.
From now on, tell me all of them one by one.
What are you going to do about it if I tell you?
I can do everything. I can make a mountain out of strawberry ice cream,
or even paint the whole world green, if that's what you want.
I'm scared that you really will do just that.
Don't be scared and tell me. What do you like?
Let's see...
♫ I can't help but laugh ♫
♫ You became my love ♫
♫ You became my world ♫
Nothing in particular is coming to mind.
Tell me everything. I'll do all of it for you.
For now, go over there. After I organize my desk.
♫ You became my love ♫
♫ You became my world ♫
♫ I don't know why but I'm starting to like it ♫
♫ I will always stay by your side ♫
Ah, good morning.
Since you lit candles, the house doesn't smell rotten. How nice.
You said your sense of smell is very acute.
Son Oh Gong told me to keep candles lit all day for you.
For me?
It's said that people die if they do something they don't usually do.
Well, since he's a monkey, he probably wouldn't die from doing something out of character.
Yes, yes. Instead of watching the home shopping channel, you should watch things like this. It's fun, isn't it?
Nice. Oh, you guys... Pass!
"Pass!" It even looks good when I watch it too.
Well done.
Ma Wang.
There's something that came to me after continuously watching this.
What is it?
Bravo! Nice.
Wow, seeing as you can move like that, you must have learned how to dance before, Bu Ja.
That seems to be the case.
But why are you still like that?
Isn't that pose uncomfortable?
Ma Wang, I think I dislocated my pelvis.
Seriously. Why did you dance like you were alive for?
Small-minded. Seriously...
Are you going to... work...
[Lucifer Entertainment]
Thank you for feeding me.
Know that the energy stone you ate today is extremely special.
There was from the World Cup game in 2002.
That's the very strong and rare energy I gathered from it.
Thank you!
You might regain the memories from the moments before you died because your rotting brain gets revived.
Each time that happens, record it well.
I will.
Ma Wang, that's a really beautiful portrait.
Who is this person?
Everyone called her the Princess Iron Fan,
but she was originally a deity named Cha Eun.
By deity, you mean she's someone from the heavenly realm?
She committed a crime, was demoted to the human world, and is being punished.
What kind of punishment?
Living a miserable life and dying in excruciating pain.
A punishment in which she has to keep living a cruel life over and over again.
The most recent is dying from a gunshot in Gyeongseong about 100 years ago.
Then even if she is reincarnated, she will die a tragic death?
Can't Ma Wang release her from that?
What Ma Wang can do is to become a deity quickly.
Only then can he end the eternal cycle of death and rebirth.
He will have to become a deity as soon as possible.
As long as the Great Sage doesn't cause any problems, that should happen.
He's been very well-behaved lately because of Geumganggo.
That's what worries me.
That guy is someone who's never well-behaved you know.
Hey, Hey, Hey, hurry it up.
Light up every candle in every place without any gaps.
All right.
- Um...
- What? What? What? What is it now?
Now that I've eaten energy stones I don't really smell rotten anymore though.
Hey, for someone who's supposed to be behind a screen smelling incense
and laying inside a nailed shut coffin right now,
lighting candles is living a life of luxury.
Yes, it is a luxury.
I'll light the candles with all my might!
That's the spirit.
Say, it seems like your voice has gotten more peppy.
After consuming energy from the World Cup cheers my voice has gotten nice and lively.
Ma Wang gave that to you, huh?
That's right. We should share with each other and live well in harmony.
[Gyeongseong (old name of Seoul) 1930 VIP Film Screening Event]
We're doing the last check-up before tomorrow's screening.
The film has been preserved very well.
Where will the film be displayed after the screening event?
Right here. We will be placing a write-up of Chairman Woo Hwi's profile next to it.
Instead of here, I feel that placement over there would be better though.
But that's-
Ah, I apologize.
This is an area where we display artifacts that have been donated by Korea Foundation.
Is that so?
The foundation director's household is that of a highly reputable and esteemed independence activist.
They're very meaningful items, so we can't move them to another location.
If that's so, I understand.
Yes, President.
Just a minute.
Director, you know about the rumors going around on the internet about Korea Foundation, right? About an intrusion?
- It's a conspiracy.
- A security officer wrote that he saw a ghost after trying to open it.
Don't speak such nonsense. There's nothing wrong with our museum's items.
Go and prepare for the film screening event!
Yes, sir.
There's a rumor that he saw a ghost.
Do you wish to know who I am?
You! You!
You know who I am.
I have to get rid of people who know me.
Little girl.
Is it a ghost lingering around an antique?
I hear that's an item from the home of a highly esteemed independence activist.
Yet why did a Japanese girl come out of there?
Little girl.
She ran away into there...!
This is botherome...
A Japanese girl wearing a red kimono went into this film?
Tomorrow is the film screening.
After having invited all those humans for the screening, while the film is showing,
What if that girl comes out?
I'm sorry.
I guess I'll have to go into the film and get that little girl. What did you say she looked like?
I made a drawing of her.
This looks as if it was drawn with a dog's paws.
- Oh, right. They actually are dog's paws.
- I apologize.
I would need Sam Jang in order to lure her and catch her.
Call Sam Jang.
- Is this your favorite movie?
- Yes.
But I've never seen it at the movie theater.
It's been re-released, but tonight's the last showing.
I'm really glad I'm going to get to watch it.
There's a lot of time left. Want to watch another movie while we wait?
Is there a movie you want to watch?
Let's see...
This one looks great. It must be a movie with a warm storyline. It has little clothing.
I like movies with warm stories.
Do you think they're wearing little clothes because it has a warm storyline?
They're probably wearing little because it's has a warm storyline.
I was born from a volcano, so I like warm atmospheres like this, you see.
I feel sick to my stomach because of you.
It's warm and nice.
What a nuisance. Why is he calling again?
[Lucifer Entertainment]
Why are you calling us for this? It's simple. Just burn it.
I already told you. I need this film for the screening event tomorrow.
But you can't play it in front of so many people.
No matter how I think of it, I think it's best to cancel the screening and burn it.
That's not possible. This film is the deciding factor for Ma Wang to receive his presidential medal.
- Without this, they won't give you the medal?
- I'm sure they would give it.
But, if I go to receive the award after burning the film I donated,
wouldn't that be disgraceful?
They'll badmouth him for reaping the rewards and then ditching.
Or they might spread gossip that this was planned from the start just so he could get the award.
After being so happy that you're getting the award, it looks like you're going to get a ton of criticism.
You'll pass through being cursed. It's the ultimate pass.
That's why I'm saying we need to go in the film and get the kid out before the film screening.
I think you will need to go in, Sam Jang.
Damn, we have to go watch a movie, but it looks like we're going to be watching this out-dated film instead.
You stay out here.
I'm not taking Son Oh Gong with me. Last time when we went into the portrait,
you locked up our Oh Gong in there.
You might do that again, so Ma Wang should come with me this time.
That's right. Our Oh Gong will not go in. Ma Wang go in.
Come out within an hour. Then you'll be able to watch the movie you like. I'll wait.
Well... all right.
Hurry and get ready.
Oh, look at that quality. I'm already bored.
Oh, there they are.
They made it inside well I see.
The film is an hour long. They'll need to find her and come out before it's over.
She will come out before then.
You see, our Sam Jang has to go watch a movie with me.
We're inside the film's recorded length of an hour.
If you mess anything up, it'll ruin the invaluable filmstrip
so please be careful.
Lee Soo Il and Sim Soon Ae
So there were movies at this time as well?
Ah, it's Lee Soo Il and Sim Soon Ae.
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