What are you going to do now that you've tasted Sam Jang's blood?
The fresh blood, flesh, and bones of Sam Jang are walking in.
It's driving you crazy, right?
I'm someone who has been practicing asceticism for 1,000 years and will one day be a deity.
This tee-ny amount of blood
isn't enough to bring me down.
Agh! What the heck! It's no fun if you're unaffected.
Ugh, it took a lot for me to prepare for this!
Underhanded punk... How long have you been preparing for this?
"Her pain is your pain."
I made up my mind thanks to the determination you gave me.
Ugh, it hurts. You suffer too.
Suffer the mightiest of pains!
I'm definitely going to make you hurt like that.
But what are you going to do about this? I'm not hurting one bit.
I am extremely pleased to have disappointed you.
No, no, no. I'm not a careless monkey who gets so easily discouraged.
Now then, get excited. Starting now, it's an endurance test.
What trick are you pulling out of your sleeve now?
Try being alone with Sam Jang.
Endure it until this has run out. I'll vacate the room for you.
Good luck.
Ma Wang.
- Sam Jang.
- The door was open so I just let myself in.
I came because I heard a congratulatory party was being held for you today.
It looks like I'm the first one here.
I heard you received a big award. Congratulations!
Th-Thank you. Come have a seat.
I see you've lit a lot of candles. They smell nice.
What fragrance is this?
Lotus flower.
So this is what lotus flower smells like.
I was told because I'm Sam Jang, my blood has a lotus flower scent.
Is this what it smells like then?
Can I help you with something?
D-Don't come near me!
Are you all right?
Son Oh Gong!
What did you drag me out of there all of a sudden for?
Ma Wang is feeling a little sick. His pain is my fun.
When he's in pain, I sit back and laugh.
Are you playing some sort of prank right now? In this cold?
- You're cold?
- Of course I'm cold!
Well, the weather is cold. Seeing how it's this chilly when we're indoors.
If you're wearing that coat and are cold, then how do you think I feel?
I don't want to know. If I know that you're feeling excruciatingly cold,
I love you so much that I'd want to take this coat off and give it to you.
I don't want to take it off.
Don't look at me like that.
Son Oh Gong, I'm cold.
Ah, so cold.
For now, let's go to Sureumdong.
Sureumdong? Is that some sort of sauna?
I should be able to make a path to Sureumdong somewhere around here...
Follow me.
[Difficult college entrance exams.
"We will be your guide."]
Here it is.
Our Oh Jeong made a lot of paths for me to Sureumdong.
This is the path to Sureumdong.
But this is an advertisement for a college entrance exam?
It's written right here on this sign. Sureumdong.
Oh? It really is. Sureumdong.
Here I'm...
Let's go.
Wow, this is Sureumdong?
So it's not a sauna but a bar.
It's not a bar; it's my home.
Sit down.
Having a drink will warm you up.
What should you drink?
I want this one.
This one?
You know how to pick the best...
It smells good.
This is really hard to come by though...
Didn't you say you couldn't drink?
Having all these collected here is wasted on you so I'll drink them for you.
I'm going to drink them! As soon as that drinking ban is rescinded, I'm going to drink them all.
Ah, the drinking ban.
You said you were being punished, right?
Great Sage, what crime did you commit that you needed to be punished for?
That's heavenly realm business. A mere human doesn't need to know.
I guess it must be a really bad crime.
You said so before, didn't you?
That you were an extremely bad guy, and so you were being locked up.
- What was that place called again?
- The Five Elements Mountain.
Right. The Five Elements Mountain. How long were you locked up in there?
Don't know. I gave up counting after 500 years.
- You were there by yourself for over 500 years?
- Yeah.
Since I was still fine even after being sealed and roasted in the Eight Trigram furnace for 49 days,
they locked me up on the Five Elements Mountain.
It must have been really hard.
Being alone for that long, wasn't it lonely?
That's a really horrific punishment.
Later on, when your drinking ban is lifted, I'll buy you alcohol that's even better than this.
Will there be any reason for me to see you once the drinking ban is lifted?
Human Jin Seon Mi, I doubt you have the right to be forcing your sympathy on me right now.
Think about it. You're the one that's locking me up now.
- You're right.
- Sam Jang, right now, you're another Five Elements Mountain to me.
You must want to free yourself just like back then at the Five Elements Mountain.
Yeah. I'd like it if you disappeared.
Right. For now, I'll disappear from here.
How do I get out of here?
You can get out by going out the same way you came in.
I'll go.
It's cold outside of Sureumdong. Wear that and go.
No need.
I'd rather just disappear.
I can't let you. It's more painful than being roasted in the Eight Trigram Furnace for 49 days
for me to see you cold.
Take this with you too. You said it was good.
No. If you're good to me, I can't feel at ease.
Don't feel at ease. If I have to be tormented, then you should at least be uncomfortable.
My love for you makes me keep you safe,
but I don't want to make you happy.
You're a Five Elements Mountain after all.
All right. I'll uncomfortably take it with me and unhappily drink it.
I'd be thankful for that.
Sam Jang disappeared?
Yes. She left her coat and purse here and just disappeared.
And you said Ma Wang and Oh Gong weren't here either.
I think they were drinking together,
but when I got here they were both gone.
This sensitive pig nose is getting a whiff of something suspicious.
It feels like something definitely happened.
A real trouble has come up.
Right? You think something happened too, don't you, Sa Oh Jeong?
This is a cup that Hyungnim uses often,
but it's got a stain.
What could this stain be from?
Coffee? Black tea?
How am I supposed to know that? Just throw it away!
I'll have to try cleaning it with baking soda.
Honestly, when he's got enough money to start a ceramics factory and still have money leftover,
what's he got to be so dirty for?
Ma Wang's ring is empty.
Ma Wang, the thing you put in here is Sam Jang's blood, right? Can't you give this ring to me?
Do not covet
that which isn't yours.
Where oh where could the blood that was in this have gone?
Looks like some real fun has started.
Ma Wang, have you recovered your strength?
Should I get you more energy stones?
I'm fine.
My voice!
Ma Wang, your voice is...
I'm fine.
Hurry up and get me some medicine that will...
That will...
That will wipe out the blood's potency.
Yes, sir.
I'm fine. I'm unaffected.
Completely un...
- What brings you here without notice?
- There's something I urgently need.
Grandmother's not here though.
That's a problem.
When is she coming back?
Don't know. She said she'd be gone a long while this time.
This is important, so answer properly.
If you're going to act like this then I might just close up shop and run away from home.
Then you won't be able to get anything.
Please? Get the item for me.
Okay. But in return, pay in cash.
No receipt so Grandmother doesn't know.
Come on in.
Is Ma Wang sick?
A demon that consumed Sam Jang's blood
would have quite a huge craving for her.
It must have been extremely painful for Ma Wang to try to resist that.
He was going on about mental perseverance for 1,000 years but couldn't even handle this little amount of time.
I believed in his abilities and so prepared a big hourglass, you know.
He almost got our Sam Jang.
If you hadn't gone in,
then Sam Jang would already be gone by Ma Wang's hands.
She probably would.
It's a pity but because of this thing, I've got no choice but to protect her for now.
Great Sage, shall I buy you some time?
Although I don't have the ability to stop it for as long as you can,
it's possible for me to hold back this much time.
If I keep a hold on just this much time,
then you'll be able to use Ma Wang to get rid of Sam Jang.
It's a chance to free yourself from Sam Jang's control.
I can get rid of her?
For now, get a strawberry ice cream ready for take out before the hourglass runs out.
Yes, sir.
Will you be able to do the broadcast taping today?
Should I cancel your scheduled activities?
Because the medicine you g-g-got me...
calmed me down a bit.
It's a relief.
But it looks like you're still suffering from side effects.
I think I have to take someth...
Something that's m-more eff-effective.
You've already lost a lot of your vigor from taking the medicine.
Taking something stronger would be irrational.
I'm fine.
Rather than this embarrass-ssment from not being able to su-suppress my craving
and drooooling like this,
taking medicine and losing some energy is...
Seeing as you've already become like this, what do you think about just eating Sam Jang?
Don't talk about Sam Jang!
Just what is Sam Jang? Why do you have to suffer because of Sam Jang?
I'll capture Sam Jang. Please eat Sam Jang.
I told you not to talk about Sam Jang.
Even just hearing the sound of Sam Jang makes me shake more!
- Darn it!
- I apologize.
I got slightly fooled while being careless,
but I won't b-b-break down anymore!
That's fine.
All my scheduled events
will proceed as p-p-planned.
So tired...
CEO, do you want to go see the flower shop that's up for sale in Paju?
Sorry, I have to go to the broadcasting station for a bit.
The broadcasting station?
You're finally making your television debut?
What's it for? Shopping channel? Variety program? What?
It's not for that kind of thing. I just need to see PK real quick.
"See PK real quick?" You've become that kind of person?
Wow, this is just...
"I'm going to play a round of baseball with (Jang) Dong Geun and have a beer with (Jo) In Sung."
"I'm going shopping with Tae Yang." It's just like that kind of thing!
CEO, you're really awesome.
If you knew the truth, I wouldn't be as great as you think I am.
But then again, I hear that these days
celebrities have their own share of life issues.
That could be possible.
CEO, next time, can you ask PK to take a picture with my daughter?
Sure. I'll talk to him about it.
Salute! Salute! Oh, wait a minute.
I mean, what kind of celebrity drives themselves?
Call that bodyguard or Secretary Son guy over.
I don't want to bother him. He already feels burdened.
I'll be back.
This is why you have to pick people well.
There's no other person like me.
They only cared about looks and picked a total swallow (homonym for gigolo)
and can't even use him properly. Ouch!
Who was that?
That cocky realtor. No wonder my ears were itching.
How dare he call me a swallow? I'm a monkey.
I'm glad the medicine I found was effective.
I got a lot of my energy back through the energy from the audience.
As expected, the energy from the live broadcasts is the best.
Excuse me! Chairman Woo Hwi, could you give us your autograph?
Oh, sure. Of course.
- Your name?
- Hye Soo.
Hye Soo. What a pretty name.
Heart. There.
[You're my destiny, Chairman Woo Hwi]
"You're my destiny?" Why, thank you.
Can you take a picture of us all?
Of course. I was waiting for that. Come on over here.
Now then...
Yes, Jeo Pal Gye. I'm at the broadcasting station.
Where should I go?
The second floor? Okay.
- It came out well.
- Take one with mine too, please.
Of course. Come here. Now then,
One, two, thr...
Ah, I apologize. I'm sorry.
Come here. Now, one, two, three.
Thank you!
Are you all right?
You're doing badly again?
That photo just now caught my eyes changing. Follow them and delete it.
Why is this acting up like this?
What's wrong with these? Calm down!
It's not even like Sam Jang is next to me. Right?
No, why is Sam Jang here?
Ma Wang!
Chairman! Chairman!
You did amazing at today's filming!
You know that our viewership went up again?
- Our viewership is all thanks to you, Chairman!
- Thank you! Thank...
Oh, is the Chairman sick?
- Oh, why is he like that?
- Does he have hand tremors?
Maybe he worked too hard for the shoot?
♫ I remember those cold days ♫
♫ Afraid that my trembling heart will cry alone ♫
♫ When I open my eyes, it fades away ♫
Here. There you go.
The things you left behind at Ma Wang's house.
Thank you for bringing them to me.
Oh, is Ma Wang at the studio today, too?
I'm not sure.
Sam Jang, be careful.
Oh, never mind.
Just saying not to leave your things behind like that.
Are you looking for Ma Wang?
- Where is he?
- Ma Wang ended up wanting to eat up Sam Jang, right?
Pig, if you open your mouth, I'll bite you to shreds.
Calm down. Calm down.
I'm also for Ma Wang eating up Sam Jang.
If there's anything I can help with, I will.
But in return, I'm reserving a bite for me.
- Let's see.
- Hey, don't touch.
It must be hard for you to endure.
Who do you think caused all this?
How dare you try to comfort me just because you have a mouth? Keep it to yourself.
Fine. Then I'll keep the comforting words inside.
- Should I apologize instead?
- No. Just chew and swallow it.
I don't even want to hear your voice.
Fine. At times like these, being near you and saying all this probably sounds like I'm just trying to make fun.
Because of that Geumganggo, I was also having a hard time.
"Feel what she feels." "Love."
♫ "Because I love you."
When you did those things, I was so upset.
I couldn't keep myself from doing this to you. You understand my situation, right?
Yeah, I understand it very well.
I will also make sure to get my revenge for this, okay?
I hope you do.
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