And the Great Sage would never be able to return to the heavenly realm.
And Bu Ja would disappear as well.
What does Bu Ja have to do with Sam Jang?
Bu Ja is a body woken from the dead by the power of Sam Jang's blood. A possessed corpse.
If Sam Jang is gone, then of course Bu Ja would return to a corpse.
We can just keep feeding her energy beads.
Have you seen a dead body survive on the strength of that alone?
She'll rot away in a day.
So if Sam Jang dies,
Bu Ja is also dies.
Look. The rash that was here
has moved down to here.
Want to see it?
Well, anyway, it's not visible when I'm wearing clothes so that's a relief.
I'll put all of my being into making sure you never have to experience such side effects again.
What is she being so serious for?
How close are you?
I'm just about there. Should I go straight to the chairman's office?
No need. I'll come to meet you in the basement parking lot.
Did you call Sam Jang here?
For what purpose?
I'm going to stab her.
Once the scent of her blood spreads, Ma Wang won't be able to resist it anymore.
- The Great Sage is likely to interfere though.
- I'll block him.
You should know well that you're no match for the Great Sage.
Even if I die by his hands, it can still buy some time.
Whether that's 5 seconds or 10 seconds, that's plenty of time for Ma Wang.
Ma Wang.
- Ma Wang!
- Ah, that startled me.
- T-The thing is...
- What is it?
Secretary Ma, what is the matter?
Sam Jang, I really do apologize for this.
Sam Jang, I really do apologize for this.
Ma Wang, that must hurt.
Yeah. It hurts.
Hey, you dog secretary. If you do something like this again, I'll kill you.
She's not going to die by your hands.
At the very least, she needs to die by my hands.
I apologize.
Um, excuse me, demons?
I'm the only human here so I might not be understanding this situation right,
but was Secretary Ma just trying to stab me?
- Yes.
- Why?
Because Ma Wang wants you.
He does? Why?
Because I drank some of your blood.
I gave it to him.
Why did you do that?
Because you wished to get rid of me?
Ma Wang, are you in a lot of pain?
It's bearable. Besides, that punk looked like he's in more pain than I am.
He's the one that made this entire mess.
Serves him damn right.
Ma Wang, I'm truly sorry.
As you spoke of earlier, please kill me now.
That's right. I'm going to kill you.
But not now.
When I feel the time has come that I need to kill you,
I'll pick a date and do it.
Until that happens you're not allowed to be killed by anyone else.
That's an order.
Ma Wang.
Don't ever try to kill without my permission again.
Yes, sir.
You're another Five Elements Mountain to me.
I'd like it if you disappeared.
♫ When I love you ♫
♫ Did you miss me? ♫
♫ Even if my feeling change ♫
♫ I will ♫
What's sweet is sweet, and you like what you like.
Liar. That jerk.
♫ When I saw you ♫
♫ Always behind of you ♫
How could I let myself be fooled by a liar and do something so stupid?
Where was it? It was somewhere around here.
So it was you? The evil spirit cutting people's hair.
I love the hair that contains the sadness of love.
If I cut your hair, you won't hurt one bit anymore.
There won't be one ounce of your feelings for him left. Give it to me.
My feelings for him will completely go away?
If this isn't love, then what is?
I'll protect you.
I said I'd do everything you want for you.
I like this cotton ball. It's good.
I don't want them to go away.
Son Oh Gong.
Go to a hairdresser's to get your hair cut.
Although you'll be pretty to me no matter how it's cut.
Because I love you.
I don't care how it looks to you.
All you need to do is make sure that I, as Sam Jang, am protected from disappearing.
As you command, I'll protect you.
I got the stain out!
Like I thought, it was a good idea to ask on that housewives site!
I should leave a review.
Hey, Secretary Ma! How's Ma Wang doing?
Go away, you tattletale pig.
Aigoo, why do you have to be like that?
If I hadn't snitched to Ma Wang, you'd be dead by the Great Sage's hand by now.
Jeo Pal Gye, why did you do that?
You were drooling while asking me to give you one bite, yet why did you change your mind?
It was just to get one bite, so it wasn't worth the risk.
You should have been a little more generous when enticing a pig, no?
Oh, Bu Ja! You're done?
I practiced hard again today.
Good job. Let's go. I'll take you home.
Your cooking today is especially good.
I put in some extra effort.
You seem like you're in a good mood today.
Yes. I figured out how to get rid of a stain that was bothering me.
You didn't throw it away and cleaned it instead?
Wow. You're amazing.
I called Unni over since you cooked so much,
but she says she's not coming.
I wonder why Sam Jang... said she wouldn't come?
I guess she didn't want to eat with a traitor at the same table.
How could she eat at the same table with a predator?
Did the two of you do something bad to Unni?
The stain is harder to wash off the longer you wait.
The two of you, please resolve it quickly.
I took a very strong detox medicine.
I won't be dangerous anymore,
so you don't need to avoid me.
But when you change your mind, you can hurt me at any time.
There is someone I have to save, and I need you in order to save that person.
You are still very useful to me,
so I will never hurt you. Trust me.
Secretary Ma.
Sam Jang, I'm sorry.
Since Ma Wang tells me not to, I won't do it anymore.
She's apologizing, but I don't feel that she's sorry.
Well, I guess I can't expect feelings from an evil spirit.
I'll let this pass with the belief that should this happen again, you'll get stabbed in my place.
CEO, have some ice cream.
He bought it for me?
No one came. I got this for you.
I see, you waited for Secretary Son.
I didn't wait for him. Why would I?
Ah, you fought with your boyfriend, so he doesn't even buy you ice cream.
He, he's not my boyfriend.
Right. It's very disappointing when you're used to him always buying it for you and then he suddenly doesn't.
I guess you don't even want to see this ice cream.
What is he to me that I wouldn't like ice cream?
It has nothing to do with it.
- Then have some.
- Never mind.
Oh... that idiot must be playing with the CEO's heart...
After buying her a mere strawberry ice cream, he hasn't done crap for her.
I'll eat it.
Why did the chair...
Theory of parallels?
Crap? I've done so much for her!
Hyungnim, it'll be too late now that Ma Wang has completely detoxified.
Today was the best time. It's too bad.
Ma Wang is done detoxifying, but Sam Jang really hates me now.
Comfort her.
I did. I told her she's pretty and that I love her, but she hates me even more.
It's because you're not being sincere.
How can there be sincerity to an evil spirit who's wearing the Geumganggo?
But Sam Jang has sincerity since she's human.
Look into her heart and see why she hates you more.
That way, you can make her feel better.
First, thank you very much. [Wooja]
Thank you for working with Dragon Studios.
No, no. The fact that we're able to work with the big global movie director Bong Sang Woo
is an honor for us.
Thank you. The movie Wooja that you will be working with Director Bong Sang Woo is, as you know,
it's gonna be fantastic.
It's a fantasy about a friendship between a big white bull and a little girl.
White bull. A white bull.
I liked that part very much, and it's the reason I wanted to get involved in the production.
I heard the main character is a Korean girl.
What kind of actress do you want?
There's an image of a little girl I suggested to Director Bong.
To be honest, when I was young, the mysterious girl I met in Korea
became the motif for this movie.
Ah, you have a clear image of her.
Yeah. She was extraordinary.
It's such a vivid memory that I can draw her image at any given moment.
When I was young, I saw her at Lotus Village in Gangwondo.
She's the girl I met at that time.
She always carried a yellow umbrella.
An umbrella?
You must be punished!
Will you trade umbrellas with me?
Why have you remembered this girl for so long?
She was my first love.
First love?
First love.
Son Oh Gong just came by.
I didn't come to find him.
I just came to have some ice cream I like.
It's an hourglass. Does the ice cream come out within this time?
I'm slow, so I can't make that happen in that time.
I heard you dislike Son Oh Gong very much.
I have no reason to dislike him.
His feeling isn't even genuine.
Sam Jang, would you like me to buy you some time?
I don't have the ability to make ice cream quickly,
but I can hold onto the Geumganggo for this much time.
Today, the strongest cold wave is coming, so my power is at its peak.
I think I can freeze the power of Gumganggo for at least this much time.
It's a chance to find out his true feelings,
so if you get that short moment, what would you like to know?
♫ When I saw you ♫
♫ I think only about you ♫
♫ When I love you ♫
The more I look into a human's heart, the harder it gets.
♫ Did you miss me ♫
♫ Even if my feelings change ♫
♫ I will ♫
♫ I wish you next, just as we are ♫
♫ Can we go back? ♫
♫ When I saw you ♫
♫ Always behind of you ♫
♫ Always behind of you ♫
It's a very short amount of time while it's snowing.
What do you want to know about his true feelings?
Son Oh Gong, what I want to know is...
am I pretty right now?
Yeah, you're pretty. Because I love you.
♫ How can I close both my eyes ♫
♫ So that I can't see you ♫
♫ Even though it hurts, I won't hurt ♫
♫ I'll bear my tears with clenched teeth ♫
♫ Don't worry, just continue on your way ♫
♫ It's okay, I'm used to the image of your back ♫
Why did you come here?
To find the mermaid with you.
They say that the person the mermaid loves is a librarian here.
Why couldn't she receive his love?
She must've lost her love to a human.
She shouldn't have fallen in this type of love to begin with.
I shouldn't have fallen in this type of love to begin with.
I'm sure she wants to kill him.
What are you doing?
Didn't I tell you? If you're in even slightest danger...
My heart is in danger.
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