Last pages of this story. As I mentioned before. The full story is 24 pages and it's b/w images were first produced on the 24 hours comics challenge that I made in October. It was pretty fun to draw that. I've read a lot of lovely comments and suggestions for an ending which as alter endings didn't sound bad at all. I've never had intentions to make this story with somehow an "unpredictable" or "original" ending. More likely proving a point and wordplay, based on intuition and honesty with myself. Because...yeah when you have so little time to make a comic, it's better to trust an instinct and don't waste too much time on dilemmas about the storytelling.
I am thankful to all the people who supported me and all the subscribers. I never expected that I will reach more than 4k, subscribers. Not so long ago this comic actually was going to stay in my drafts unseen by anyone.
I'm up to more stories to make in the future, so you will know as soon as possible. If you want to follow also my illustration works, you can stop by my Facebook, DeviantArt and Tumblr profiles and stay tuned also there.
For everyone that want to support me as an artist and help me concentrate more on my individual work in the future you can also support me on Patreon:
One more thing. I'm open for discussions. Said it previously in one of my entries, but it's a good reminder.
A comic that was done on the 24 hour comics challenge in October 2015. Decided to color all the pages in my spare time and share them fully colored little by little.
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