It's different. Something I can have control over. Something I knew I wanted.
It's lighter. It feels free, I guess. I haven't felt like this for a while.
I've tried to write or record something. Nothing comes out when I press record or pick up a pen. All I can feel is a blankness staring back at me, and I have nothing to fill it with.
All I can think about is how I'm going to marry a witch. I'm going to become a Nyx.
I met Orpheus. They're nice.
I hate them. They're better than Omaria, but they're nervous. They make me nervous.
I can't touch them. They told me that their magic was dangerous - something they couldn't control. Or didn't want to be controlled.
I think they're scared of me. Or themselves. I'm not sure what to think.
I'd like to record something. Anything, honestly. Put my mother's gift to good use.
Maybe I'll record something official. Something to do with the witches. Maybe an interaction would be a good start.
Conversations and all.
This page is simple. Many words and paragraphs are scribbled over, blocked out from the reader, but still legible beyond that.
A collection of letters, journal entries, videos, and photos describing the life of Eunan Lenoir-Nyx, Human Ambassador and husband of Orpheus Lenoir Nyx, Head Witch.
Eunan Lenoir-Nyx died in 2054 due to health complications from an injury caused by the war.
Orpheus created this collection in an attempt to remember Eunan in the years to come.
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