The Execution.
It will be starting soon. There will be no more smiling.
No more happiness.
"Your Highness, I have brought the veil…"
"..Alright. Give it to me, I can wear it myself."
Daniella came to join me by the window, where I always stood, and handed me the dark veil.
She handed it cautiously and stood a great distance from me, as if I were a bomb waiting to explode.
She probably sensed my bad mood and didn't want to upset me further.
But that doesn't mean she needs to walk on eggshells around me.
"Thank you. And also, I'm fine, so don't worry about me."
Her eyes remained worried and it was obvious my words didn't fool her.
"Y-yes I know your Highness but your attendance is not required! Nobody will begrudge you for your absence!" She blurted out.
Unlike Penelope, Daniella rarely spoke out against me and instead followed my every word.
No, my attendance was not required but I needed to go.
If I could not even attend my attacker's execution, then I would appear as even more of a coward than I already am.
I must go.
"I know Daniella, but it's important that I at least make an appearance in public. It'll be reproachable if I don't."
She sighed and frowned for the first time in a while, deeply upset at my decision.
She wouldn't need to say more, but I knew she would let it go.
I returned to my vanity and put on the dark veil that was customary for female royals to wear during executions.
Eloise told me that the covering meant "protection" and "guarding" of one's dignity and eyes from the sight of death, but I didn't believe that.
In my eyes, this veil was meant to shield my face from shame.
There was a knock on the door.
Greer walked in like always without my say so and already made herself comfortable on my bed.
It was customary for her to come in everyday now and accompany me in the mornings.
"I'm only coming because you are, you know." She said slyly.
I glanced at her from the reflection of my mirror.
"Yes, I know. But you don't have to come if you don't want to. I'm not holding you back. Feel free to stay here if you want."
I could tell my words frustrated her as she frowned and whipped out her matching black fan and blew it below her face.
She didn't want me to go. It seemed nobody did. But I knew she would join me anyway.
Many other people would be coming too. Citizens, villagers, people…
Anyone who was angry enough to even want to witness such an event. I doubted there would be a lot of people though.
The people of Shoubet barely knew me, so no one would care.
I wanted badly not to waste the food on the table, but I couldn't stomach anything down. My body won't allow it.
So I asked Greer to eat it instead, but she declined, insisting that she needed to be careful about what she eats from now on.
"My cousin might be coming too I think. Might."
Oh? Andres is coming? He doesn't need to though. Perhaps it's for public appearance sake, like me.
That makes sense. There's no reason for him to come otherwise.
I looked at myself in the mirror of my vanity again. With the veil on, I looked like a widow. My face was not happy. That much was obvious.
I shouldn't be much concerned about my appearance.
The attention won't be on me anyway…
In time, Eloise will come in to inform me it's time. It wouldn't be too long now.
“You look very fine, Kaprina. We both do.”
Suddenly, Greer was standing behind me with her hand to my head. I hadn’t even noticed she’d gotten up.
“I know. I just…”
I just…nothing. I had nothing to say. Something in me felt wrong today. I couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was. It was as if the entire world were hanging sideways and somehow, I seemed to be the only one who noticed.
“Well, I for one, will close my eyes. Heck, I might even face backwards. I’m definitely not looking.” She said as she started to stroke the back of my hair slowly.
Close my eyes?
Greer’s eyes kept glued to my black necklace…or my chest… I couldn’t tell what she was staring at.
Her face looked calm, calmer than mine at least. And her mind seemed to be far away from this matter entirely, as if it didn’t bother her at all. And perhaps it didn’t. Perhaps I was the only one that was making a big fuss about it.
In some ways, I wish I could be like her…
The door opened without warning this time.
“Oh. Of course it’s you, my dear cousin.”
My head snapped towards the door at her words.
It’s him. Andres.
He was dressed in all black this time, no gold, and stood between the doors glaring at me unwittingly.
He shot Greer a short glance, before looking back at me, almost accusingly, as if I’d done something terribly wrong.
I sensed a feeling of urgency in his expression. Does he want me to come to him? Why is he just standing there?
“Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to come in?” Greer echoed my thoughts aloud and faced Andres who, of course, ignored her.
Instead, he nudged his head, beckoning me to follow him out.
What does he want..?
“Sorry, Greer I-”
“Oh it’s fine. He’s always dramatic. Makes a big deal out of everything. Just go.”
It seems her insults and eye rolls had no effect on him, as if they weren’t even uttered at all.
I shut the door now as I studied his changing face.
It became worried.
“Why are you coming Kaprina?!” he whisper-shouted.
“What?? What, am I not allowed to come? Why does everybody keep saying this?” I replied in the same harsh tone.
He sighed heavily and shook his head as he rubbed his fingers on his forehead, as if I had caused him a headache.
“Fine. Come if you want to. But your attendance is not required at all.”
“You as well. You don’t need to come.” I spouted.
He froze for a second before his scowl deepened.
“I’m only going because you-”
Somebody interrupted us. Eloise.
“I’m sorry to interrupt Your Highnesses, but the King has told me to inform you that it is time.”
Andres hesitantly ripped his eyes from mine and nodded to Eloise.
"Alright. We'll be there soon."
Then he turned back to me with his face softened now, and spoke to me gently.
"Go ahead without me. I'll be there with you soon… I promise."
He walked off without another word.
I never understand him. His behaviour is like fire and ice. Hot and then cold.
Or, is he worried about me..?
The door to my room creaked open and Greer poked her head out immediately.
Obviously, she'd been listening.
"I'll just put on my veil and we'll go there together alright?" she said smiling.
I nodded stiffly, still reeling from Andres’s adversarial nature.
By the time Greer had come out, I already had nervous fingers and my breathing had become laboured.
Eloise was leading in front now, as well as 2 guards, front and behind us.
Security would be tight today.
Then why am I still scared? I hadn’t done anything wrong. I wouldn’t be the one dying today.
“Greer, is it me…or am I the only one who seems to be bothered about the execution?”
I couldn’t see her expressions behind her veil, but her tone became heavy now.
“Oh everybody’s anxious all right. We just don’t show it here. That’s all.”
“Oh. And this isn’t necessarily the first time. In fact, this should be my cousin’s… second one.”
But we were already here.
We were in another part of the castle.
Upstairs, a place that led to a huge balcony where we would be watching everything that went on down outside.
The only thing separating us from the outside world now where the two grand curtains that hung from a wide corridor.
Without hesitation, Greer went in first.
It’s fine…It’s fine.
I pushed through the curtains and was nearly blinded with a bright light that pierced my eyes.
There was now a quiet roar of whispers and murmurs coming from down below.
There were people…!
Lots of them. Some faces were smothered dirt, wearing rags while others looked clean and well dressed.
Their eyes were suspicious of my every move as I continued to walk.
They had never seen me before, and can barely see my face under the veil, but still; they continued to stare.I sat down on a chair beside the King and Queen. Another chair, slightly bigger, stood next to me, probably for Andres.
Where is he..? He promised he would come…I can’t stand all these eyes on me.
Greer was to the left of the King and Queen and sat with a straight back and hands to her thighs, just like what we learned in class.
I tried my best too to sit with poise, but hearing the whispers and staring at the platform down below didn’t make it easier.
Where is he..? Oh, of course he wouldn’t come…what was I thinking?
As if on cue, the Prince swooped in gracefully and walked with such poise and resplendence that it caused the crowd to erupt with cheer.
‘It’s the Prince!’ some shouted. ‘He’s here!’ others exclaimed.
For the first time in a while, I mirrored the people’s sentiment and actually became glad he showed up after all.
Andres smiled in an endearing way to his people and gave them a small wave before he joined beside me.
It seemed…he really is dear to the people….They like him. Nobody did that when I came in.
“It’ll be alright.” he said to me, still facing forward. He didn’t meet my eyes, but I could tell he was sincere with his words.
Still, the odd feeling stayed with me.
Everybody quieted as the King stood up to speak.
He raised his hand as cue. “Release the prisoner!”
The crowd roared again as four guards surrounded the man who had once attacked me.
A fleet of memories from that day flashed back in my mind. The noise, the screams, the arrow rushing towards me and-
It’s fine…!
A hand brought mine to the chair handle and squeezed it tightly.
Again, he didn’t look at me, but he held my left hand with such warmth and care that I suddenly felt some of my worries lay at ease.
The crowd fell silent when the King spoke again.
“Today! People! We gather here today to witness the death and execution of a criminal!”
Another roar.
“Recently, this outsider harmed the Princess Consort of our Kingdom and attempted to take her life!”
Another one.
“ He has been charged with high treason! For his heinous deed, no trial will be performed, and he will instead be executed today! Harming our guest and Princess Consort, is harming our Kingdom! ”
The final one.
With the way the King spoke, he appeared to be passionate about the topic as well.
Below, the man laughed his crazed chuckle and silenced the booming crowd.
H-he’s just trying to scare them.
While I wanted to believe my own thoughts, the man’s words weighed heavily on my conscience.
Something doesn’t feel right about this…
He didn’t struggle with the rope tied so tightly around his wrists. It seems he did not even care for his death.
“You are igniting a war!! All of you!! My master is aware of what is going on now!! In fact…He’s right here!!”
The crowd exploded with cower and worry, fearing the man’s words.
N-no…That can’t be true!
“He speaks lies! Do not believe the words of a mad man.” The King told his people.
“Commence the killing.” With his final words, the King sat down again preparing for the deed to be done.
It would be a beheading. His head. Cut. Clean.
Andres squeezed my hand even tighter and began to intertwine his fingers with mine.
His expression was still smooth as ever and focused on the scene in front of us.
All the while, the man continued to blabber nonsense as he was brought forth to the guillotine.
By the time he knelt, the executioner had framed his head into the lunette. He was locked in now.
Just a few seconds now…
Through the dark veil, what was in front of me was still extremely clear.
The executioner’s hand is on the rope now…And….!
My eyes were shut.
All I could hear now was the gasps and screams of the crowd.
I still didn’t want to look.
Screams turned to cheers and suddenly the people were happy.
Kaprina…don’t be a coward…just look!
Andres removed his hand from mine and instead cupped my face and brought it towards his.
By the time I opened my eyes, only his face was in view.
His blue eyes were stern and hard, staring at me with pity, as if I were to break any moment.
“Don’t look.” He said.
I couldn’t keep to his wishes.
The people roared and my face snapped to the horrifying scene to witness…
The head-!
My body recoiled immediately to what I’d seen for only a second.
Try as I might, the longer I shut my eyes, the more the split image engrained itself in my mind.
“I told you not to look…” he whispered.
I faced him now, trying to forget what I just saw.
Ohh….I feel sick.
“People! Let this death serve as a warning for those who dare to oppose or harm the Royal Family and its future heirs!”
The air quieted as the King’s words reverberated in all ears.
A warning.
“The man’s head will be hung outside for all to see, a reminder of punishment for traitors!”
The people clapped.
What they and the King fail to know is that the man was not a traitor because he was not from this Kingdom at all. He belonged to the Pagans. But we can’t mention that of course....
“You are released!”
My eyes were still shut and I was practically curled up in Andres’s direction.
“Kaprina. It’s over. His body and head are gone…you can open your eyes now.”
His hand returned to mine and he held it softly.
I did…he was right. People below began to file out of the scene, some stopping to look at the both of us before they did. Only the blood remained on the platform.
“Thank you-"
But he detached himself from me before I could finish.
His aura became cold again and he looked at me as if I were a stranger he held just seconds ago.
"I'm going inside." he said scornfully.
And with his father, he walked away without another glance past the curtains.
Truly, I would have been more upset with his callous behaviour, if I hadn't been feeling a daunting foreboding of dread.
I couldn't shake it off. What we did today was wrong and we shouldn't have done it.
My stomach was turning with disgust and unease. This isn’t over yet…
A hand was placed on my shoulder. Queen Beatrice!
“Come with me dear.” she whispered. 7
Oh no…
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