It was going to be a fun evening. There were noodles, blankets and the judging stare of a friend who was wondering why he had not traded me for a bag of sherbert when we were twelve.
Alric held his hand up silencing Faye who had explained what had gone on before devolving into a spiel about Barry and his many pet lizards.
"I get the idea." He stood up then and opened my front door only pausing on the threshold to ask. "Do you own any pajamas with pockets?"
"No?" And with that the door slammed shut. "I guess he isn't going to help then?"
Faye patted my hand and passed me a bowl of noodles. "Eat your noodles. He'll be back in a bit."
"You sure?"
"As sure as I am that dragons make messy housepets."
Two bowls of noodles and a game of cards later Alric was back bursting through the door with bags in both his hands. I could see fabric and some kind of recording equipment.
"Alright I have a plan!" Alric announced, thrusting a bag into my hand. "First thing you need to do is strip off for me and put this on."
"You sure this isn't some kind of dodgy photoshoot." I replied eyeing what was some kind of flimsy nightwear in the bag.
"I would pick a different model. Librarians aren't my kink." He replied drily. "Only nightwear stores open this time of night are interesting but I found some that sell clothing with pockets. You can always buy some more in the daytime if this works."
Faye had peeked into my bag and now had a big grin on her face. She started shoving me towards my bathroom.
"Go on and get changed. Even if it is a photoshoot this is going to be awesome."
When the door shut behind me all I could think was that was easy for her to say when she did not have to get changed.
Poppy's life is simple. She works as a Librarian at an Arcane University, lives alone in a small flat and sometimes goes out drinking with her friends.
There is absolutely nothing special about her.
So why every night for the past month has she woken in the middle of the night in a giant wolf's embrace? Is it just a weird dream? Or is something else going on?Read more
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