Omgosh guys thanks for all the support World Piece has gotten so far! ;A; I really appreciate all the comments too <3 I read every single one of them but just haven't had the time to answer them all T_T
Anyways,this actually just started off as an entry to a contest thingy but I didnt win :P Though,it got such a good response online and in person that I've decided to make it an actual webcomic series >< I'm actually still working on the plot and have been super busy so the next update might be a bit late,but hopefully it'll be up soon <3 Hope you guys stay and enjoy your visit! ^q^
Together with their mysterious alpaca companion named Pop, Alois and Anais have been entrusted to be the keepers of a young planet both spiritually and physically while growing it using seeds called ‘World Pieces’. However, they accidentally scatter their World Pieces all over the planet.
Now they must gather all the lost World Pieces and slowly grow the world as well as make friends with the natives, learn life lessons and slay evil along the way. But they soon realize that the more they grow the world, the more complicated everything seems to get. Will their bittersweet adventure destroy them, or will they grow a little themselves? Read more
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