Suriratna - is a work of fiction, based on the legends of Suriratna and Kim Suro, who were the rulers of Ancient Korea. The plot of the story doesn't guarantee any resemblance to historical events. The story has been adapted to reflect the contemporary values that our collective society upholds. Historically, Suriratna is also known as Sriratna or Heo Hwang-Ok. She has also been mentioned in Samguk Yusa, the memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms of Korea.
Any resemblance to the characters, dead or alive, incidents, name, etc. is a coincidence or fictitous, and is the product of the author's imagination. The story doesn't intend to defame, malign, or offend any person(s), place, community or individual(s), region, country, religion, religious sentinments, beliefs or feelings of any person(s). Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated.
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