Mr.Lawson then yelled out "ok kids it's time for the water hybrids test now we all know as the test goes on most kids cannot be in the same room that pertains to shadow hybrids, grass hybrids fire hybrids and light hybrids earth hybrids and especially metal hybrids if you cannot produce a iron film around your ears capiche".
As all the kids look around a whispering and making noises a girl then stands up her name being lux a light hybrid female with blonde hair blue eyes and fair skin wearing a pink half shirt and pink sweats with a designer bag with a friend group of groupies to match.
Lux: so ummm why do we have to leave were light hybrids some of the strongest kids in the school my dad owns rainbow CO. You can't make us leave just cause of some water dweebs like sad little laguna as she and her light groupies laugh.
Mr. Lawson then begins to get ready to reply to the situation as Mr. laguna walks to him and puts his hand out for the microphone so he may address the situation.
Mr. laguna: well as you may know lux if you showed up to class sometimes the water element is very badly affected by sound waves making them not able to take shape or not being to to manage a shape period now take a seat missus daughter of rainbow company.
She then sits down in a annoyed grunt crossing her arms and legs while some of the other students snicker at her
alda then raises her hand in a annoyed way she is noticed and speaks "uhhhhhh coach why do I have to do so many more test than all the other kids I know I'm a hybrid or whatever but cmon seriously.
Mr Laguna : "well Alda as you know there hasn't been that many hybrids in the past 60 years with two elements and your very rare among even the rarest of people so we have to give you a little more though then the rest. He then addresses the rest student if your among the students of these elements as Mr. Lawson has said you can now exit the gymnasium until the test is done."
The student then begin to walk out Agni and Siris walk out of the gym with the other student other kids groaning from having to get up and walk as you know teenagers do the door then shuts as if it was slammed the door then fades to black.END
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