Slide 16: Hell horse
It's eyes where wild and black with yellow highlights inside, it seemed somewhat knowing though it's outwardly form was wild and animal like, unthinking. It's head was purple and dog like, and it's teeth and nose where pointy and devilish. Scales rained down his back as they slowly turned from purple to yellow to green. Two reptile like wings where stuck to it's back and flapped here and there and everything. It's paws where very much cat like and it's back legs where shaped as those of a horse. And at the very end of those last two legs was a long long thin tail longer then the rest of it's body. In whole the beast was about the size of a rat terror or any other smaller dog. Every few seconds it turned it's head round the room waiting for it's master to come in. It's master... Something very angry was inside that little monster that brushed round and rested uneasy inside it's cave, it's change the thing it was been stuck inside for decades. Thirty years ago it fell upon and attacked a teenage boy, in meaning to kill him slowly as it did others before, but the boy had beaten him, and caged him, now the beast would have to wait for the boy to die before he was given free to it's original master. The boy now man always took the beast where ever he went and that was the only taste of freedom the beast ever got. Which was so very much little for there was no fun in that for the beast as far as his play went. The yellow eyes fixed upon the door and it growled dully as the master came into the room, his white gown looking very clean that day, meaning that is was a day to come out. The master didn't even make eye contact with it, not out of fear but purely out of borderer and none seeing and no real good thought in it. He walked to one side of the room, pulled out a long red leash then walked over to the cage. The beast as always tried lashing out of the cage past the man for escape but the man grabbed onto it hard and held it down rouph as he crooked the leash round the thing's neck and tinned it. The man stood up and brushed off his white and dark pink rob and so did the beast stand up. The beast now was still and followed his master broadly and sick eyed, still and calm as a cat but boiling inside it's suit black brain. The master and his beast walked out of the room, locked the room behind himself and they went on. Past the locked room was many cold lonely halls filled with interesting things to look at, the gothic walls and painted ceiling being done only by the masters. The windows on the left side shown outward in the distance had black cold trees as thick and large as mountains and every so often small groups of little blue jays and cardinals would come around, maybe even a family of crows would be in the land resting and growing their coven. The master was blank faced but now that his beast was leashed up on his side he seemed somewhat uppy before he even got to the group. He didn't quite smile but somewhat had the air of a smile. In whole the master was a happy man and even with the physical scratches the beast had given him, and with the hardness of his work that bore down onto him everyday, he carried a hard sense of joy in his life that could not be undone, no matter how the world that stepped on him so and so hardly. A flash of sparkles flown past in the air. The red jewel sparkled in the man's clothes. The old male, the man's face bored age 20 more then he actually held. And the beast saw and felt nothing more, it was a physical mental a cruel being beyond you and me, but though it may, possible, be stronger then you and me, it is by no means smarter. It's kin never truly where in honest. Finally the man and his pet walked past the four long halls which there slow pace was almost five minutes that felt like twenty. Then the pair walked down a et on long wide stairs and finally they where at the great hall where all the many people where. Finally all the people stayed together and classes merged. The master and his friends stayed huddled in a group together away from most people, and every so often and person in the larger yet socially smaller group of people would come over to the friends, ask for something physically normally some kind of aid or help of another rating, but also often it could be let's say something more higher or important, they would ask fro prayers for a sick family member that just couldn't get better, or maybe a sin they couldn't quite shake off or something else of that nature. The master written all of those problems down in his head for latter remembering and prayers. Overall the social natures of the day went as well as they ever could, the master did his duty as well as you could want and eventually when all the people left and the servant where cleaning up the halls, all the higher up men when to in dorms and rooms, prayed ate alone that night, then finally drifted off into a deep and sorrow less cold sleep of the unthinking. And soon when all the servant where done with their longer more hands on work they traveled off to their stone dorms below and drifted off to sleep as well. Now all was up except for the master. He laid in bed dim eyed and cold. He was still hearing the chants of the little dragon Hell horse demon in the other room. 'Bash them!' 'Smash them!' 'Crash them!' 'Rash them!' That last line, rash them, really catch in his head over and over again. 'Rash them!' 'Rash them!' 'Rash them!' over and over once more. He felt something like and dog being ordered to bark. Bark dog bark! Bark! But he would not bark, and he had payed for it many a many times. He was scratched and bleeding and for that it became harder and harder for the crimson leaking and bleeding through his white sheets and cleanness. The white face and the cold expression peered into his head and finally he could stand it no longer and he jumped out of bed throwing the blanks back, then he pulled out one of the drawls from the cabinet two small bottles of acholhole he normally did not drink very much, somewhat out of shame somewhat out of the low quality of the liquids he did consume, but sometimes at drink when the barking got to bad he pulled it out. 'Bash them!' 'Smash them!' 'Crash them!' 'Rash them!' He opened the caps and gulped both drinks down. 'Bash them!' 'Smash them!' 'Crash them!' 'Rash them!' Finally he stumbled down onto the bed and laid down. 'Bash them!' 'Smash them!' 'Crash them!' 'Rash them!' Then his eyes where shut and his heart slowed, rest. 'Bash them!' 'Smash them!' 'Crash them!' 'Rash them!' The words faded out and he fell asleep fully now drifted off into a world unknown to us. When he fell asleep the beast in two other rooms apart hot in it's cage started to slow down in it's angler chants and heated rants. It's eyes where angry and yellow and known though it warn the man down that was only the start of it's battle with it. So far it may have won a battle here and there, the war would never be won. And the beast's fear was not that it would be freed only when the man died at least, but that it might be taken where he went and be vanished. This fight over the man's mind had been turned into a fight for it's very life! Not just over the will of his kind. Of his mind. The beast let out one last soft cry into the night before falling into Earth of the night.
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