Slide 21: Morris
Rinpoche smiled and looked up at the white building, the sun shown down onto him. He was walking into a large white castle. Before they stepped into the doors of the castle he looked to Morris walking beside him. "Are you read? I am, I'm tired." Morris smiled at him. "Yeah I am..." Morris mumbled rubbing his head staring up at this. "I guess this is where our paths past. I'm looking forward to it, are you sure you can't come?" Rinpoche shrugged with a sorry look and finally they walked in. The inside of the castle of full of many many different men talking to each other. Not in a line or waiting, but they where only talking to each other. Morris and Rinpoche talked to the man at the front and asked to be taken to the higher level. So they where waiting to be taken to that so called higher level way up there. Morris and Rinpoche had been traveling longer then they would have thought at first. The boat had taken them very far but seemingly not far enough. They paddled onto a strange black island and where trapped there for who knows how long because there was a storm that lasted days and weeks and maybe even months, which put a damper on Morris but that made no difference to Rinpoche. When they where able to sail again they landed off shore and off course to where they where supposed to be. So that took just as long and along the way they had even found a few villages filled with animals and caves infested with demons. But they where here now, inside the white castle. Soon they where gullied by a wise tall looking man to took them to a long white stair case, and when they where at the base of that staircase the man reached out his hand and said in rouph English. "Go up there and talk to the eyes." Neither man known just what that meant but they did as they where told and started walking up the stairs. When they where at the bottom they couldn't even see the end to those stairs. It seemed like no matter what they where always walking to everywhere they needed to be. "I hope I'll see you again someday, it's been real." Morris laughed and Rinpoche nodded and laughed too. "It has been. I'll miss you surely until then." They walked for almost thirty minutes until they reached the top of the stairs and where met with a large white and red two parted doorway. It took both of the men's strength just to open it. Morris gasped and stepped back. It was white red yellow. It was long thick circles. It had over forty eyes. It was longer then the whole giant room. It was half curled up and when they opened the door it started at them back, it shifted it's giant head and aimed it's sights onto them with a wondering look and a wild eyes. It did not seem friendly nor did it seem cruel or kind. It just was what it was. It had over eighty legs that sprigged up and started moving all around as it's beak opened wide and the first words came out of what you could call a mouth. "Who are you and what are you looking for here?" It's tone of speech was something like ten people of different ages men and woman speaking at once, but it had a overall male voice. "I am..." Morris looked somewhat pale and shaky, he glanced over at the taller pink man beside him but Rinpoche looked just as scared as him. "I'm looking for my family." The great giant bug looking monster clicked it's teeth a few times in thoughts. The clicking was the many legs and the many arms and the many eyes flickering all over the place like a million little demon tongues that had no where to go or no plan on where the bodies where too eat. The whole body of the creature of gross and deformed and uneaten, but it also had a air great masters looking down at his craft he'd been doing for many many years. Finally the great mouth opened again and looked down at the man. "Have you fraught for your family and your country and your God?" Morris nodded yes but said nothing, just looking into the largest eye of the bug. "Have you thought of yourself little and of others more?" Morris pursed his lips. "I don't know. I tired, I hope so." The great bug merely nodded. "Open your shirt." The bug bursted out and Morris did as he was told and opened his shirt and shown that his body was bare. "Very well. You may go, but you'll have to leave your ally behind as you have left all your marching on allies behind. You must say goodbye." And suddenly within a second there was a large fog that had blow over the land and it flown across covering everything. Then when the fog and moved the giant bug was gone and they where alone, the only thing left in the room was one giant door with a white handle on it. There was a sight horrible shock for the both of them still they slowly turned to each other wide eyed. "Ahh... What was that?" Morris mumbled with a deep voice and Rinpoche shook his head as a no. "Not sure... I had never seen anything like that. It looked like some kind of pagan god or a demon or something. But it didn't act evil. I don't have any idea." Morris shrugged and turned away laying his hands on his hips. "I'll be seeing you round then man." Rinpoche smiled and shook the man's hand. "I'll be seeing you then." "Where will you be going now Rinpoche? Since you can't come with." "I'm not sure. I know I got more things to do but I have no idea when my finally mission will be. I'm thinking I'll sail off the other direction of this land and see who I can help from there. I believe there's a thick forest in that direction." Morris nodded. "Good luck. And goodbye!" "Goodbye." Morris smiled and turned away, a young man now onward to greener pastas. He walked up to the stairs, opened the door and stepped through. Then Morris was gone, happy forever. And finally Rinpoche could hold it no longer and tears flown from his eyes and he sobbed falling to the ground holding his knees.
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