Hello my very dear viewers. Just wait for me to start the fun, i will be lurking in comments and reading alot of BL comics other than mine in my free time so if you see me in the comments of a comic you like feel free to say hi :)
Hello my dear dear viewers, as you probably dont or do know i already have a comic series in the process if you wanna give me support there but this is a new series that will contain a sliver of yknow...hardcore gay se-
But feel free to just watch the mature ones but i won't guarantee all of the mature ones will be that kinda kiss kiss suddenly unzipping kinda thing some of them will include serious topics like abusive relationships and violence, sexual assault, etc. But i can promise that this will be atleast a bit relatable to some audiences.
The main characters name is yashi Venoki and hes 15 years old and takes pills that help him sleep (kinda like me lol) and morning medicine that make him more aware (kinda like me too) and hes sometimes very sensitive and that makes hin seem like he would be a bottom but honey i can assure you, hes a top. *wink wink* heuhehhueh oh and also his fav food is teriyaki chicken :D
And yoshis BOYFRIEND *wink wink* is Asi Yami a very casual man if you ask me but he picks fights every once and awhile and may i mention, his favorite food is miso soup bc that stuff is phucking delicious and he is literally just a strong guy whenever he needs to pick fights but towards yoshi he can never top his boyfriend- (skull)
And heres a VERY important character to development of the story, Rosono Hanaki yoshis Ex-boyfriend *GASP* tbh the only thing that rosono here likes is gay se-
And theres also a few other side characters but they aren't important (skull) but i can assure you this will better than the last comic series i made since my point wasn't clear and it was kinda confusing lol.Read more
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