The crackle of burning embers…
The snapping of twigs…
The beep of a machine…
The soft dirt and leaves against my cheek…
The soft hands of my mother…
I reach up to grab her finger.
It is big.
I can barely wrap my entire hand around her pinky.
It’s too bright…
Why is he crying?
Something is wrong. Mama’s hands are cold.
I turn to face my mother.
I meet her eyes, looking down on mine.
But they’re not looking.
The eyes are open, but the light is gone.
She’s hollow.
Her head hangs over me, her mouth agape.
What are you trying to say Mama?
Baek’s face is over mine. I see the forest canopy behind him.
“Can you walk?” Baek asks.
I managed to croak, "Baek... don't breathe it in..." I tried to cover his mouth, but he gently pushed my hands back onto my own mouth. "Shhh. Don't worry about me," he reassured. My whole body clenched as I coughed.
In one swift motion, he lifted me off the ground. I barely had any strength in my arms to hang on, but he supported me. We looked around the burning forest, searching for a path out.
“There.” It took all the energy I had to point towards an opening.
Baek nodded and took off. The tree trunks and flames whizzed by insanely quickly. I never questioned how fast he was, and maybe it was just a matter of perspective, but from this perspective, there is no way an eleven year old can move like this. I glanced at his face. He was breathing in the smoke as if it were fresh air.
“How are you…” I tried to mutter, but a coughing fit took over my entire body.
Moments later, we arrived at the gate. The iron bars were wide open as large, white, futuristic trucks rolled out towards the fire. A multitude of scientists, all wearing white jumpsuits, crowded around the entrance. Some were on their phones, some were writing on clipboards, and some carried tablets just like mine.
A group of adults I had never seen before dressed in white coats surrounded Baek as he emerged from the timberline. "Baek! Is she conscious?!" one asked. "Start an IV line!" a woman ordered. Feeling half awake, I clung onto Baek. "Baek... don't leave me," I whispered weakly.
Suddenly, I heard a man's voice shriek, "My baby!!!" It was Kim Siwoo, the man I saw on the news. He looked a bit older than he did on the tablet. His hair and stubble had patches of gray peppered throughout, but his body was still youthful.
He pushed past the medical personnel, his eyes wild and his wiry hair unkempt. Siwoo pulled me away from Baek and clutched me tightly. His boney hands and starchy black suit felt uncomfortable. I felt my small knife slip from my pocket, but when I reached for it, Baek took my hand and covered the knife with his foot.
Siwoo continued to cry into my raspy chest, "My Dahyun... my Dahyun..." He pulled my hand away from Baek's, and it fell limply beside me as I barely held onto consciousness. Siwoo then smacked Baek across the face, knocking him to the ground, anger seething in his voice, "HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?!"
Baek stayed down, staring at the ground. The people in the white coats, doctors I assume, ushered in a gurney. Siwoo gingerly set me on it, caressing my face. I didn’t look at him however. I had my eyes on Baek, who slowly got up and stuck his hand in his pocket. A few doctors crowded around him and he showed them his burned arms. As I was pushed past the Gate, I couldn’t tell if it was the darkness of the tunnel or if my eyes finally closed.
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