I am dragged out of the courtroom and taken not to a cell; but to a room. With a bed and fresh clothes. The guards unchain me and direct me to the wash house. I walk to the public washhouse which seems to be empty. I remove the rest of my heavy armour, hidden blades and cloak. A large tub of cool water is poured over my head, washing away the dirt, blood and soot but not the screams, the tears and the suffering of the fallen. I sit, down on a stool and take a bristle brush and begin to brush some of the scars which look infected. For the first time in years, in this empty bathhouse tears fall my face onto the floor. Maybe it was guilt, for me to enjoy this luxury whilst a third of my men look on in a closed coffin. But I think it was the feeling of the burden of war, of leading hundreds of thousands of men as they look to me for encouragement, strategy and care. When I couldn't even provide it for myself. I guess that's why I was a feared commander, I had taught my men that the mission wasn't worth their own lives; that fear of death bound us together, closer than any blood bond could've. That's why we were the blood division, one of the most fierce divisions in the entire army because we knew the value of not just life. but death. And now, as my brothers are being laid to rest, I sit here away from them.
“I am a coward huh “I chuckle to myself as I hear the laughter and marching of the amazons approach. I open my eyes and they stare at me, They're not the same group from this morning.
“ what are you doing in this bathhouse,” one of the amazons asks to stutter
“Relax I'm just getting out, you must be students of the Amazon division in the Akademia huh? “I ask realising they're only children.
“How can you tell perv” she replies to me.
I respond “Well for starters your towel says Traniee. Secondly, your hands. Those aren't the hands of those demons “I reply as I stand up, and they gasp. I forget it's probably the first they've seen of a man covered entirely in scars. I think when I had just become commander the doctor said something like 50% of my skin is made of scar tissue or something.
I walk past them and collect my armour and put on the fresh clothes. “what's your name “ she says as I walkout
“ Zane “I walk out and back to my room.
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