Tes stood there for a minute and as the young guys with white coats started to walk towards her the famous poisoner of children all alike. Tes tried to run but all she could do was limp as they stated after her. The dark sky with a little purple blue light & just a few of the constellations showing eclipsed her in it as Tes ran straight into a person. Tes hit the concrete, tripping over her own feet. Tes collapsed on her already scraped knees. She saw the person she had run into look at the poison makers.
“ Sis there you are , you know we are not supposed to be out after dark. You remember mother's story about the creature that could grab you,” the person knelt down,offering a pale hand. As he bent down, his knees hung out of the openings of his jeans.
Tes saw the man starting to walk away as this person had said those words loudly. As Tes took the boy’s hand, leaning on it heavily as she got up on her sprained ankle. She noticed that the bruise on her ankle was shaped like a ring, as if Tes had been cut by a metal chain.
By looks alone, the boy could tell Tes really different than most the girls he saw around town. She was not wearing a color or crest on her clothes, and this girl how had scratches all down her legs and one small thin slash across her face. Blood tricked and dried from most of the small scratches but this girl had rather had the pain instead of being caught by the group that tested her kind. It was dark though he could trace her angler face with his eyes checked to make sure that she seemed okay.
“Thanks”, Tes whispered quietly as she pushed slightly off his shoulder onto her own feet, slightly lifting the right one off the ground. Tes moved her hair out of her face so her green eyes could see who had helped her. His kindness shocked her, he did not know her at all. “I’m Tes by the way”, she said.
He smiled at Tes, a smile that she knew probably had made many girls swoon but Tes was not that kind of girl. Not to mention he seemed off. The boy looked like hell. From what she could see of his silver hair it looked unevenly cut as if he had just coarsely chopped it off ,there was something of a lost soul energy about him.
“ I am -” but he never got to finish that sentence, they both heard a booming voice.
“Hey you kids!” a man in all white came running towards them. As the fabric flicked in the wind , the man had a pissed off look set on his face.
Tes smiled and then grasped this boy's hand with her scared and dried blood one, dragging him lightly behind her as they ran under the flickering light lamps. Her shoes tapped a beat on the pathway as her shoes hit the ground and she cursed as her ankle hit the concrete as her shoes did.
“–Ashton by the way,’’ he yelled over the older guys chasing them. All Ashton could see was the back of Tes' head as he heard the man screaming behind them. There had been four but two of them had given up. Tes was a really fast runner even if she was going slow for him and her ankle. He thought Tes must have lived here for a while because she seemed to know where they were going. They passed by the lamp post, then all the sudden they went down an alley but as Ashton looked forward there was a brick wall and as they both turned to try to make a run for it, two stronger older people stood behind them.
“ I thought you know where you were going?” Ashton said looking at her, his face saying what the fuck. Ash left go of her hand.
Tes rolled her eyes in the dark alley despite the fact he couldn’t see them. “I never said that!” yelled Tes, she really was annoyed by these older people in front of them didn't they know not to bother a woman or girl more then once.
“Great , we are backed into a corner,” Ashton looked around
and all he saw with his heterocromia light dark eyes was the brick on all sides of them.It seemed they would need to fight their way out of this one. Great. Not. Ashton remarked to himself.
“Well no shit sherlock” Tes slipped her dark brown shaded hair behind her ear. She bit her lips slightly, going through her head which was harder than it looked. Every time she tried to find a plan it seemed to be blocked. Finally something clicked in her damaged clock spindles that went backwards when she thought instead of the normal turing clockwise.
Tes turned her head slightly and met Ashton’s eyes, giving him a smile. Then her eyes moved past Ashton to the guy standing to the left, their enemy at this moment. Tes took a run at the left person as the right guy tried to hit Tes with his sliver glinting thin knife. but it was blocked by a small dagger. Tes smiled , maybe Ashton would be more useful than she thought. Next, Tes went straight for the left woman's ankles, but ducked as her thrust womens thin black metal sword passed her. Poison dripped from her sword as it splattered on Tes blue sweater causing a blackness to it.
Tes wrapped her foot around this girl’s ankle and gripped the edges of the sword coming towards her heart as she leaned back the young girl with short black hair went down, and Tes swiftly lifted the hilt of the blade and hit the girl with her own weapon. Straight in the head the hilt collided with this girl's skull. The girl fell to the ground and Tes heard a thunk as a boy that looked to be about the other girls age landed knocked out next to her.
“ It seems you can fight.” Tes looked at Ashton standing there ,leaning on the silver sword he had acquired in the fight, his hands crossed over the hilt as the blade tip balanced on the concrete. Ashton had a faint smile to his lips , as he looked at Tes.
‘’Usually when someone saves your life, you say why thank you’’, Ashton grinned
“Oh wow, Ashton my savior! Thank you so much, a girl like me could have not fought that strong man on my own'', Tes said with the slyness of a cat and the sharp tongue just as poisonous as the substance on the other girl’s blade.
Ashton walked over to her and dragged the young teenage boy with him. The boy was so light it only took one hand and Tes had already set the girl on the ground. “ What might it be know ?” He looked at her as he moved the boy to sit up against the wall. “ I assume we did not just, you know knock them out?”
“You're right , I need out of this town and it seems that from the looks of it you might need out too. So what better way then act like the things that spoiled this town to begin with.” As Tes looked down at the girl, her head tilted to the side. She knew these two had seen them and a couple of the other people had too. Tes looks were not exactly unique in any way. So Tes was good,except for her outfit. All she needed was a switch of sweaters and Tes would be good. Tes knelt down next to this girl and slipped the sweater off the girl's body. Underneath her sweater was a white pollo, the other girl's stomach moved up and down.
Well at least now Tes knew the girl she had knocked out wasn’t dead. For a little bit Tes and worried she had knocked the girl in the head too hard. Tes took off the girl’s tan colored turtleneck and held it in her hands. Her dark green eyes turned towards Ashton who was standing there playing with the soft cotton of his own stolen sweater. Ashton definitely had been seen & he was not exactly a normal looking person ethier.
“Ugh , I am going to have to change, aren't I?” Ashton groaned as he kicked off his shoes.
“Yep promise I won't look , turning around now” Tes said as she turned on her feet there boots taped on the black floor & prepared to pull the sweater over her head. She heard Ashton pick up the high waisted black dress pants as he dressed in someone else's clothes, a foreign fabric over his light skin.
“Okay you can turn around. I am decent” Ashton said as his frail hands buttoned up the white dress shirt from the guy who was knocked just a few minutes ago.
Tes slipped out of her blue sweater revealing her white and black bra with lace at the top. Tes stood there and saw Ashton dumbfounded look to his face. “ What?” Tes said as she held the tan sweater in her hands. Tes smiled at him, “ You all good over there Ash. Here.” Tes tossed the sky blue sweater towards him and Ashton caught it easily. “ Do you mind placing that on the girl walce i get modece?” Tes looked at him, her head crocked to the said, the tan sweater still griped in her hands.
‘’Um sure, you know you really should have asked me to turn around Tes. Also won’t they notice the difference ?” Ashton questioned as he walked towards her ,his laces still undone on the boots he had retrieved while they were changing. As he reached her, Ashton bent his knees and started to dress the girl only, looking up at Tes once just to make sure she was okay.
Ashton at first thought he was seeing things but once he stared at the thin lines wrapping up Tes’ right hands and crawling up her arm the small lines came into focus and they were not just thin lines but light dark brown thin thunderbolt shaped scars that spread out in some places. Ashton knew not to ask but still wondered what could have caused such a scar. As he turned his head, his silver hair fell over his face annoyingly. Sometimes Ashton despised his hair. He’d never liked his hair and the teasing he had got at his old home for the odd color had only increased those insecurities.
Tes caught his gold light eyes before he went to the girl with short brown hair. Tes knew what he had been staring at & and she wished it had been her green eyes instead. Tes never had not had someone realize she had scars but it had never made her nervous. But for some reason Tes had a nervous smile as she traced the scars with her fingers, then pulled the sweater over her head.
Ashton stood up right in front of her and slid to the side so they were not so close that he could feel her breath and more of a few feet apart so he could see her but not too close that it wasn’t uncomfortable. “ Well what next Tesseract?”
Tes gave him a hell no look with her eyes , but then also bit her tongue as she felt a laugh coming.
“ Fair is Fair , you have a nickname for me” Ashton said as he looked down at the girl and boy knocked out next to them.
“Fine” Tes agreed to the nickname because Ash could have picked something less consistent.
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