In the perfect world, where money and time isn't a problem, Minkowski Space Opera would've looked like this. It feels similar yet with bolder volumes which I prefer. I also do this treatment in other illustration works - but well, like I've said, those involve either money or time. Both would be great, but then again, this ain't a perfect world.
That said, though, do we really need the perfect world? Shit, man. I'll do my best to keep up this quality. More sense of fulfillment and cheesy heart things. Also might be worth more of your time.
Thanks for looking, guys. Really appreciate it! :)
Delve into the vastness of space and time for an epic loosely based on an old Bagobo tale. As a lost traveller, Randall, with the help of Nick Artus, a voyager monk, takes a journey to find home in Arcadia, the last planet in the universe.
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