It is never easy to
discuss one's own vulnerabilities. Whether that is for the death of your
beloved pet, your favorite uncle, or your wife from a malignant cancer.
Some deaths are inevitable, and yet others feel less preordained
because of the overwhelming sense of the present moment. While it was
easy for me to not grasp this when I had tried topping myself so many
times in my young life, somehow when it involves someone else, the
feeling puts you in an even greater depression than if you had never met
the girl. That feeling of total helpless, that total lack of the
innocuousness; the overwhelming feeling of being the only one left in
the world. For me, I was a vampire who lived with a family of humans.
You may think I'd let this get to me.
But I'm not that kind of girl.
only life could flow like sweet rose metal, and not like the thorns.
And yet sometimes the rose petals are mixed within, that feeling of pain
and regret all over again. At sometimes I would see the spirit of the
wolf in my dreams, and wake up constantly with screams and
breathlessness. And I reach out for some hidden hand of a love that is
no there. Instead it is the hand of death and despair, the knowledge of
the passing of someone you life. The feeling of constantly seeing a
lover's execution over and over again. Yet life never gives you second
chances, even when one wants to bring their lover back from the dead.
To think, instead, that the real world treats us like monsters. The villains in old western movies; movies of young damsels being ran over with a train. Yet my mind feels like I walked right into the train tracks from the get go, my world not letting me die in peace to once again be with my beloved. The feeling of earthly estrangement drawing nearer and nearer with no end in sight. The feeling of being a pawn in a game of chess.
My relationship with Ehena was not the best.
Nor the worst. It was what we had with indifferent parents.
And sometimes the indifference is the worst.
What people call a split personality, is simply extensive compartmentalization; everyone does it, some better than others. For me, this manifests as different applications, on a local machine.
save me from the websites, that make me want to rip out my spleen. For
life and death, a recount of a story in between. For French girls, my
relationships were always different, even from other girls within my
class periods. Most other girls I had a vague hope that I could someday
love them, but the closest to this I've ever gotten to a girl from
France is to be able to say "This girl, my friends, is a beautiful young
girl that I cannot hate."
Sometimes it's easy to forget the past, and perhaps that is why I choose to resent the nature of French girls above all other girls from Europe, despite having more negative interactions for those in other places in Europe. But this is like telling an African not to hate a French infantry men, when they're under occupation. For me, the interaction was not anything so direct. Rather it is more in the specific of not interacting. Howe we choose to interact with others, says much about who we are as a person; how we don't is much the same way. Although it should be noted that my interactions with either Germans are French has never been the same as it was in high school; I like girls in Birkenstocks, whether that be Arizona style or Boston Clog. Whether it is them dangling their beautiful manicured heels, or other quirks of fetishistic desire.
was a blond who would do things to try to get my attention; but I was
so stuck in my own personal anxieties that I never considered
interacting; often then meant off hand random phrases about how I never
really fit it with Punk or Goth girls; I danced so far to the beat of my
own drummer, I was all the way to the Communitarian end.
Communitarianism, specifically of the hacktivism variety, is a form of
libertarianism that focused on communal needs; but in a world where
people are stuck within their own individual concerns, even for myself,
it was difficult to even get a word in, in the face of the onslaught of
multiple cars being tossed under, to the rhythm of cybernetic
motorcycles, and total disintegration.
"Oh shit now, I knew I shouldn't have cropped my hair."
was a very different type of voice from Anna-Marie, who stayed in the
side-lines never speaking to anyone. It was almost as if she was a kind
of ghost in the class. This was most note able in art class.
She was the only one I ever spoke with.
Maybe she was a better word smith. While I ground invisible axes.
Made by deranged blacksmiths.
Ehena-Marie would always give me a heads up about the girl, with the hair color of fairies slaughtered by battle robots. Their heads falling off their shoulders, the crimson noticeably from the blue in which it came.
there is a lot I could go into here, but to be honest, I'm not a
hubzilla or friendica profile. This isn't the first draft of somebody's
trashy romance novel, written on a pop fiction website for hopeless
romantics. I may be a hopeless romantic, but I'm not so hopeless as to
lower myself to that, while subsequently uploading the same content in
which I rant, on its very bandwidth. It is a story of my own sensuality,
with everything between love and hate. Even if that means it's time to
Because we all do it people.
But all this to say, French girl had their own allure.
For Ehena-Marie, this allure was in death.
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