Also I will open this graphic novel to comments once its finished. But I'm kind of on a week long session at the moment, and that careful focus might be broken unintentionally.
Coming up in Uploaded Fairy: the soldiers distorting into actual parasite men, which is a bit of foreshadowing for when I adapt my short stories to one shots at a later point in time.
My SF has kind of crossed over with horror for many years, and even now hasn't completely gone away.
You make 43. I've started counting up to 50. I'm close, and you've made me feel a lot closer than I was when at 42. Funny how time works. I've always considered my audience a big part of my motivation to keep writing, to ensure that I stay hungry enough for bigger and fiercer goals. It's a form of encouragement even. You're just that.
So, thank you. Thank you for subscribing to the Curse of Immortals. May I keep you engaged for all the chapters to come!
You'll see it in some of my later stories, but very frequently I'll have a fusion of Historical Fiction and Science Fiction, with some story arcs crossing multiple different timelines at points.