Love crashes into you
like an oncoming van, crash victim speeding on a motorcycle fueled up on
nitroglycerin; the dangerous game of deranged chess masters warring for
to win a round of blow jobs and doggy style. A game of blood, necks,
and teeth; the angular blade hitting similarly to a headman's sword.
There was a time I didn't think I'd ever date, preferring to recline in a
private jet and masturbate; watch nothing but porn stars on holographic
screens, textured with various kinds of cell shading.
It was then, as I lay thinking I was dying, remembering the smell of sweat and tears by my ex room mate. "Have you ever thought of writing for erotica magazines, you sure have the sex drive for it." Alone, my body returning to the midnight forest, where wolves hunt the deer, and beers for the fish.
My life of one dying wish.
To see Ehena-Maerie again. Instead I dreamed of snoring on the motel bed, the texture of fallen hair on the floor, and the uncleaned dishes that were only washed in the bath tube. "Or am I renting to much head space." I woke up in the hospital, in a daze. The doctor said that I had been out for a week; I was more worried that they could peer into my mind, using a dream-scanning machine, my dreams of silent hills and ghosts of another past, merging into a collective group of various government entities in the verge between life and death. For some people, what they see is a tunnel of light, but for me it was always night.
Except for me and my angel.
My Ehena-Maerie. The girl who wore a lopsided bow, and at other times a flower in her hair. As we snuggled under the moonlight, dreaming of fireflies and lady bugs. A dream of being with her again, as I lay beyond the mortal life. "No, I'm just thinking about something else" I would say to Kat Mac, who was not my Anna-Marie, but some monster from my past whom I had hoped to leave forgotten, like dust in the wind.
Because for me, there was only Ehena.
As opened her coffin, and kissed her cheek.
dreamed of being with her in death. Instead I grabbed my shotgun, which
I had purchased on the black market, outside of the oversight of my
parents, whom were now hopelessly bought into the state; even for dad,
whom had lost his prostate, among other organs. Yet for me, there was
only me, the whole me, and nothing else.
Me, for my Ehena-Maerie.
I dreamed of severed lady heads, laying beside me on my lap. The last
moments of their life fading into total darkness, while simply no longer
wanted to feel alone. So I could be with somebody, into eternity.
But life is a guillotine.
You have to be cut throat.
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