One could hear the sound of cars passing by, speeding like the wind. And various sirens from them blaring like the sound of trumpets.
Above was liquid, green colored slime. Ehena-Maerie thought that she would die the day her body died. Now here she was spending time, with nothing better to do inside of this tank. She heard many dead girls end up here, who committed various murders, their life force preserved into eternity, guillotined for crimes of passion. Cut throat world, a world of blood bleeding from the wound, to the guillotine blade in the neck. People say being beheaded by guillotine is instantaneous. But they're wrong, but not dead wrong. In the hallway of the lab, I saw other girls whose severed heads were kept inside of healing tanks.
She remembered why it was she came to trust Hemato-Tomato, the vampire huntress whom showed her, that not all executioners were evil, and would give a murderess, that poisoned most of her male family members, a chance in life. She remembered the time that led up to her moment of becoming a floating severed head. It had been years since Hemato Tomato had seen her die a lonely death, at least to her she was dead. But for her she was simply a head of the curve.
A head of the game called life.
One of the security
guards, who had known her for a while, would occasionally interact with
her. Do the obvious fact of her severance from her vocal chords, she was
unable to vocalize words to him. But he knew that she was alive, and
was aware of everything that she saw around her. A few months go, he
used to talk about times he went out to eat with his ex. But how
interacting with them was never quite the same as talking with Ehena.
After a point, it seemed to become something of a crutch for him, as he
simply had nobody else to talk to. Because of his knowledge, he would
read her different bed time stories, ones that were taught to him during
His personal favorite book was picture books, though she knew that he liked reading more complicated material. There was nobody that really wanted to break into the lab, so they developed somewhat of a relationship.
here she was resting on a wall in the streets of Chattanooga, wearing
wooden clogs, with her head attached to her newly grown body from a vat.
For once she could feel what it was like to have a body again, after her head had been struck off with a National Razor arrow, as punishment for murdering her family. It wasn't so much that they had deemed her fit for release. They wanted to empty the container for another lady whose head was taken off.
in the streets, people stared at her. She could not vocalize her
assurances properly, that she was not a killer. That she not a bad girl
at heart, who simply wanted to live her life, in her long flowing
tattered dress, wandering the streets of obscurity, trying to find some
way to leave the state, so she could be with her beloved.
Yet the electric carts were not always on schedule, and she had no money to pay for a taxi. She supposed it was another cross-country.
In this country no longer her home.
had the thoughts for words, yet couldn't speak. Decapitated on a
guillotine, and newly grown body, she had to relearn everything in
English and French. But there was one word she promised herself I'd
never use, because she hated her father.
"Hemato, there is somebody here to see you." Lisa-Marie said, the new girl that Hemato was living with. She was holding Ehena's luggage to help her move in with them.
is it? Who could possibly want to see me?" Ehena heard Hemato ask,
giggling a little bit from the ridiculousness of her self-pity. When you
get to the point where she was at, you no longer want to focus on the
past. Only the future.
"It's a surprise!" Lisa-Marie said.
She opens the door, and
it's Ehena, with her head reattached wearing a red shoulder cut shirt, a
red pair of sweat pants, with red colored shoulder length hair. She
shuffled in Hemato's direction. Those eyes indicate a new kind of life, a
new life of life form like a zombie but not quite. While she had a hard
time keeping her head straight, it being reattached, she didn't seem to
understand why she wanted to see Hemato. But Hemato acted as if they
never seperated.On some level Hemato felt sad that she was still alive.
If she had any memory of the indecent from before her head was taken
off, it was probably scattered in all directions fading out by the
"I know you don't remember me, but I remember you. I never got to tell you how sorry I felt for you." Hemato said.
There was a slight smile. And then they came in for the kiss.
They exchanged glances and soft gestures, the moonlight hour being when Lisa-Marie arrived to see her new family being reborn again.
could be a family again. I thought I heard words from
Anna-Marie."Hemato. Hemato. Hemato." Ehena said. Apparently the doctor
that rebuilt her was an experienced surgeon. He repaired the vocal
chords, but it was relatively new technology. She was kept in a tank for
"That's right, Hemato is my name."
We all group hugged.
"Famille!" Ehena said.
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