The story begins with the protagonist, Dism, waking from an odd dream. To his surprise, he discovers a familiar face in his throne room - his own!? This Arrogant intruder proclaims himself as the new ruler of the Throne and removes Dism. Shortly after, a young lady awakens alone on a secluded beach; Little does she realize that her awakening marks the start of an enigmatic scheme yet to unfold!
Let the Scheme Begin! Follow Bound Partners Dism (Dawid) and Ari's adventures as they travel the Astrum, gaining strength and Allies to take back the Throne of Acceptance for the Self-Proclaimed Savior of Humankind, "Arch-Lord Archus."
Adventure & Fun! Demons & Gods!
And plenty of laughs and fanservice in this tale of King vs Lord!
This Series is produced and funded by a solo writer; the series needs your help to continue PLEASE consider supporting the series
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