Upon Magic and Its Origins and Applications – A Treatise
By Mary Elizabeth Browning
Translated by Lyriel Elhana
The Magic Pool and Effects of Discharge and Ebb
The amount of magic is proportionate to the strength of the mutation within the wielder. For those within the cellular mutational range (CMR) of 10-70% the Power Quotient (PQ) is between .2-3.4. For those in the 70-90% CMR the PQ is between 3.4 and 4.0. For those with a CMR range 90-97% the PQ is between 4.1 and 4.6. CMR’s above 98% have never been studied, though it is theorized the CMR percentage could, in fact, exceed the theoretical maximum threshold of 100%. For those below 10% of CMR, the PQ is negligible.
In layman’s terms, magic is similar to a lake. The higher the mutation level in your cells, the larger and deeper the lake becomes. Using or accessing your abilities drains the lake. Under normal circumstances magic flows into the wielder’s body at a constant rate, much like a tributary. As with the lake, the size and flow of magic varies wildly. The magic is then dispersed harmlessly through the course of the day, keeping the level largely steady.
There are instances where the dissipation of magical energy does not happen for a variety of reasons. When this event occurs it is called a Discharge. The human body is incapable of coping with a buildup of magic within the cells and once the level of Resting Power Threshold (RPT) exceeds 94% the body will either destroy itself or release the pent-up energy in an oftentimes explosive manner, killing the user as well as killing or wounding those nearby and possibly damaging structures in the process of the Discharge, depending upon the power of the individual.
There are telltale visual clues that a person has exceeded their RPT of 75% (which is considered the maximum safe point). These include but are not limited to glowing of the iris of the eyes, bleeding from the ears and nose, and pronounced, visibly glowing veins throughout the body. If you or someone you know or come into contact with exhibit these symptoms, please proceed immediately to the nearest Safe Discharge Station (translator's note: A Safe Discharge Station is, for all intents and purposes, simply an empty room lined with Allicereum and purpose built with extra reinforcement. The Allicereum in the walls lead to a battery behind the reinforced walls. It is, basically, a room that says, "If you're going to explode do it here so it doesn't hurt anyone else or cause property damage, and we can gather the magic when you do.") or Battery for your safety as well as the safety of those around you.
Conversely there is the phenomenon known colloquially as the Ebb. The Ebb occurs when the magic wielder has nearly exhausted their supply of magic through strenuous overuse. Once the RPT falls below 20%, in layman’s terms, the lake is very nearly dry. This can lead to magical failure, exhaustion, and even death, though the most common and, ultimately, most fatal symptom is a sickness called Vastum.
Those suffering from Vastum experience loss of motor control, confusion, dementia, and eventual death. From start to end Vastum can take anywhere from 2 to 14 hours. The only known cure is provided by a fellow magic user with an Accumulator affinity. Death occurs in 97% of all cases of Vastum without timely intervention with either an Accumulator or by Battery.
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