Zyger winces in fear. Eyre: "Don't worry, he'll be fine. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. With the right mindset anyway."
Zyger holds back his frustration and asks, "What do you want me to do with him?"
Eyre: "Take him to my back room. His mother is asleep, she has been very busy today. I don't want her to find out what happened. If she does, it will end very badly for you. So don't be a hero, remember that I will have Macai no matter what. Not that you would, I don't think we will have this incident again."
A few minutes later Macai wakes up and notices Eyre sitting in a chair across from him. Eyre smiles, "Well, it's great to you back up and running. I am not going to punish you anymore for seeing her. You can date the girl."
Macai: "You just were upset that I did not tell you. I understand, it will not happen again. Do you want to meet her and see if you like her?"
Eyre: "Eventually, but from what I've heard I think she has a good fighting spirit. On the other hand, she seems to be a bit too bold. So, I will tell you this bluntly, I don't think the relationship will last. I will let you find out for yourself, as experience is valuable."
Macai: "Is that the only reason you approve?"
Eyre: "No, not actually. Remember to keep this between us or your punishment will be ten times worse. I think she is a wild card, but dating her and maintaining that rapport could be valuable for us. She has an even higher title than we do, but you are of good enough standing to get with her. She seems like she will be an exceptional officer."
Macai: "I agree."
Eyre: "It is rare that a legendary man can find a woman just as legendary or nearly as legendary to match him. This would take our family history to new heights. So I want you to try to make it work, but if it fails, I will not penalize you. The only thing I require of you is to act like a MAN. Do not allow her to dominate you or boss you around. If I notice she is running the relationship, then you are shaming our family worse than if you dated a peasant."
Eyre continues, "But I will not immediately punish you. First I will warn you, if you do not listen. Well, you don't want to know what I will do. But you are a bold and brave boy. In time, I don't think that will be an issue. You are not weak like her brother Zuko, I think you'll be fine but remember to flee if she gets too unruly."
Macai: "Why?"
Eyre: "Normally I would not care what you do with a woman, but she is Ozai's daughter. The risk could be great. Honestly, dating her doesn't even seem to be worth the reward. However, you already got her attention. If you bail now, lasting repercussions may take hold. So I'd rather you just go for it and see where it takes you."
Macai: "What if I fail, what if she is enough to destroy our family reputation?"
Eyre: "I would negotiate with Ozai and ensure that she will not act rashly. Say in the event that you both got in a fight or something. I have influence with the Fire Nation royals as a general."
Macai: "Ozai would pick you over his daughter?"
Eyre: "I am actually fairly confident that he would pick the Fire Nation over his daughter. Not me in particular, but he believes in the system. As do I, Azulon, and most of our distinguished leaders. Without it, we are no better than the savage Water tribes."
Macai: "What about after that? When she and I are both established leaders?"
Eyre: "At that point, it won't be in my hands anymore. I did my job as a father and it will be up to the both of you to build your own legacies. For the most part, you can get away with shaming yourself. But if you act so dishonorably that you disgrace our heritage line, then I will hunt you down and express my discontent."
Macai can't help but think about the legend Kamacus. A man who killed his sons after they defected from the Fire Nation and became pacifist monks. He even killed their wives and children. Macai starts to sweat at the thought of it.
Eyre: "Well, Macai time for bed. Tomorrow afternoon, no playing with your friends. You can see them Wednesday as usual. But I want you to complete ten extra homework assignments as punishment. I want seven to be math assignments."
Macai knows that Math is his weakest subject and it will take him a long time to complete. Macai: "Will you help me complete them since I will be working on new material?"
Eyre: "No, why would I help you when this is your punishment? You should have thought about that when you kept a secret from me. Now if you excuse me, I have some war planning that I need to finish before my night is over."
Macai heads upstairs for bed. Just as Macai is about to sleep, his mother Yosari sits next to him. Yosari leans in closely and rubs Macai on the back. Yosari: "Macai, you're tense. I didn't hear everything that was said, but I heard you have extra homework. That you are in trouble, what did you do?"
Macai does not want to worry about his mother and remembers that his father told him not to mention him passing out. Macai: "I was punished for seeing a girl without telling him. He made me exercise a lot and now I have extra homework."
Yosari shakes her head, "I don't think liking a girl warrants that kind of punishment, but you should have told him the truth. You could have even told me first. What is her name?"
Macai: "Azula."
Yosari has heard the name before and she heard a few negative things. Yosari: "Oh, well I hear she is smart. But I have heard that she is a bit wild. Perhaps we can find a nicer girl for you."
Macai: "No she isn't that bad. She is just different and misunderstood. She is nice to me."
Yosari: "That is what a lot of people think until things go sour son."
Macai: "Dad wants me to date her."
Yosari: "What?"
Macai: "He is just upset that I kept a secret from him."
Yosari: "Oh, now I get it. Well, I am sure he thinks she has a good name and a bright future. But remember there is more to life than superficial things like power and status. I try not to argue much but, there are some nice royal girls. You don't have to date someone like that. I will let you find out on your own because trying to control people never works in the long run."
Macai: "Then you and dad agree? He said it probably won't work out but, he wants me to try."
Yosari: "We don't entirely agree, but just remember to not compromise what you know is right and who you are for someone else."
Macai: "Yes, mom."
Yosari hugs her son and smiles, "Please, no secrets son." Macai nods his head. Yosari: "And I heard you have math work. Eyre might not be willing to help you, but I know he'll be gone in the afternoon. So I will help you instead. Then it won't take as long and I will take more time to help you in math so you perform better."
Macai smiles in relief after hearing this revelation. Yosari leaves and Macai falls asleep.
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