Yes, D.S. did just leave... --_--
So you all know, I can't take credit for this Joke, I found it on deviantART on TetchyTact's page & she let me use it. So Go check out TetchyTact on deviantART! Her cosplay is Amazing! :D
D.S.: She is, Her personified Venusaur is very well done.
A.W.! Fox: You came back!
D.S.: Only because I was promised puns.
A.W.! Fox: Thats right!
We'll see you guys next week in:
"Battle Of The Puns!" or
"Whos The Punniest Of Them All?"
What do you guys think?
Hello Everyone! I wanted to start something special for you guys so your not just watching my page collect dust in between updates. So Here Ya Go! Pocket Comics is a collection of mini-comics both old & new that I've done, & will be updated randomly throughout the month. ;)
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