Everyone say hi to my LEAST favorite character marius (AGRRGRGH) and my least favorite coloring job. im so ashamed. i swear next episode is so good (color wise) (everything wise) (hi)
he's somehow specter7's favorite. smells like bad taste to me but... guess that's why im the creator and theyre just my trophy husband who somehow snuck into the credits...
also happy january 4th !!!! the consitiution was signed today a couple hundred years ago. which founding father is your favorite? mine is ben franklin.
hey all. if you just got a notif that this episode was edited, here's what changed: better dialogue and i redraw the faces of basset drinking/talking to michael about taking chad's place. luv u specter7 but i had to change them. i saw he could be something better... something more.
Maximum Khil is well known for his skating prowess and interesting fashion choices, but not for planning ahead. Freshly out of high school and no idea what to do, he decides to take a gap year and focus on his athleticism only for a vicious strain of... something... to emerge. Disregarding the stay inside orders, Max ventures with his friends to a restricted area for internet points, only to be met with something disturbing and, unfortunately, contagious.
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