The story follows a chrysalis, a young life waiting to be given a name that corresponds to a community role. Already uncertain of this rule, the protagonist confides to another chrysalis, who is also in doubt and would like to feel free to choose their own name.
Very interesting premise, and the art is beautiful ❤️ Can't wait to read more to find out WHAT THE HELL is this organic growth on the city. The world you shown so far is very intriguing 👀
《 The story follows a chrysalis, a young life waiting to be given a name that corresponds to a community role. Already uncertain of this rule, the protagonist confides to another chrysalis, who is also in doubt and would like to feel free to choose their own name. 》
The comic was made for Synth/ORG vol.2 anthology, published by Attaccapanni Press, an Italian indie comic label.
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