"Whispers of Affection" is a story about a puppet created to protect humans from invading monsters. After seemingly completing its mission, Delyth is unexpectedly sent back to the past, where it must once again fulfill its duty. There, it encounters Iris, an antagonist who causes trouble for Delyth. Convinced that Iris is the source of the trouble, Delyth decides to pursue them until finding evidence to accuse Iris. However, Delyth begins to realize that Iris is not entirely as they seem.
follow me on X: @namly2209
patreon: patreon.com/namly2209
I'm making a boyslove webtoon
English is not really my second language so I'm learning while making this webtoon, I hope you enjoy it as much as I am, leaving a comment if there are any mistakes
The webtoon will be uploaded weekly, any announcements will be uploaded on my other social media, other website will be uploaded later than patreon for 1 chapter.
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