I know you're being serious, Boone, but it's still hard to take you seriously, considering...
Thank you for the patrons and their kind considerations and contributions: Roque Mapache, Vidani, Buttercup, Joe, River Buizel, Morgan, Sherry, Constantine Justovic, Sparky Blaze, Vintron Exonite, Red, Cailan, Brabbit, Chu, BringBack1996, VeeVee, Harlan Fox, Gabby Bold, Quippersnapper, Rhaen, Invader89, Pow Pow, Lunar Fox, Cho, Anselm and Anthony.
Am I seriously asking you to vote? As a matter of fact, I am!: www.topwebcomics.com/vote/26964
But please, don't take it TOO seriously. I'm just promoting, after all. I do really appreciate all who support the Patreon!: www.patreon.com/slumbertown.
Romy, a socially anxious retriever, is the newest resident to move to Slumber: A seemingly quiet ghost town. Seemingly. Because this unsuspecting town ALSO happens to exist as a collective dreamscape of 32 trapped villagers!
Most of the residents, including Romy, can't quite remember why they moved to Slumber... or how. Some memories get repressed, while others resurface. Life in Slumber isn't entirely normal - but then again, neither are its residents. As Romy, with their social anxiety, struggles to fit into this strange community... they are also faced with many mysteries and challenges. Waking nightmares, a telepathic cellphone, and an antagonistic psychologist, just to name a few. All the while, they set out to try to help the residents with their personal problems, hoping to make their lives in Slumber - and with each other - a little easier.
Will Romy and the other 31 residents discover how to leave Slumber and get back home? Or will they find community with each other, regardless of the circumstances?
What - or who - is keeping them there?
And why?
For additional SlumberTown stories, check out the spin-off series!:
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