A scream echoed throughout the experimentation chamber as the Doctor poked and prodded at one of the experiments he had been working so hard on. He had come up with the Bigger Bodies Initiative...a massive undertaking and of course he was cutting corners with his work. Why wouldn't he? He loved watching others be in immense pain.
The test subject he was working on was a toy...one not on the shelves of any store. He wished to make his own creation and he had. This one would be factory exclusive...people would pay so much to go on tours just to see him and the Doctor knew this quite well. Money made the world go round after all. His boss would be incredibly proud of his work, well, hopefully. The Doctor hadn't really told the Toymaker about making this new toy but he hoped it would gain him a massive promotion.
As of now Doctor John Smith had to do as he was told, not able to bend the rules even a little. His eyes narrowed as he stared down at his work. Maybe this was going to be his big break.
"Now don't go anywhere. I have to go and fetch something."
The toy didn't say anything in reply it was in too much pain to even think straight. The toy in question? Cyrus Gearlocke. A exclusive bigger bodies experiment in the long legs line. More spider like in appearance than the rest, with a steampunk look to him. There was much attention to detail down to the gears and color.
Once the Doctor had left the room Cyrus was left to his own thoughts which were becoming more and more unblurred. Though at this point he realized something...he had no idea where he was. And that made him panic which made him realize something else...he was strapped down to something. Not being able to properly move just made the toy panic more.
"Where am I!?! Hello!?! Is anyone there!?!"
He yelled out in immense fear and panic. Shuddering and trying his hardest not to make a big deal of things. Though it was odd...he had no memories of anything before this moment. It was like he just...didn't exist then did all in a moment. And he somehow knew how to speak and everything like he was programmed to do so? So many questions so little answers.
"Ah, so you're awake."
Came a chilling answer from a doorway that was nearby. Cyrus couldn't see it but he had a feeling this was the person that had done this to him.
"What did you do? What am I? Who am I?"
"Oh shut up! I don't have time for another experiment backtalking me!"
Snapped the Doctor, frustrated enough as is. But after a moment he walked over to get a good look at the now fully awake and responsive experiment. Chuckling softly to himself.
"So it worked, my experiment worked! Implementing memories and brain functionality does work! Not to mention you seem...more human in emotions than the others. Ironic really...you never were one."
There was silence as Cyrus tried to process all of this.
"So I am some kind of experiment this must be some kind of laboratory...but do I have a name?"
"Yes. I came up with it myself. Your name is Cyrus. Cyrus Gearlocke."
"Hmmm...alright then, Cyrus it is."
The toy seemed really shaken up and for good reason. But the Doctor didn't really seem to care in the slightest. In fact he seemed more preoccupied with his success than anything else. After all he had been trying to do this for ages. So many failed and lost experiments...all led to this one proper one. The Doctor's eyes darted around the room, thought to himself for a moment, before undoing the restraints on the toy.
"Now...you will be in pain for quite awhile. But if you promise not to cause any trouble you can go free...feel free to explore. But do know if you cause any trouble...it will be the last day of freedom of your silly pathetic life."
It took awhile for Cyrus to properly comprehend what was just said to him. Was he just threatened? Oh most definitely. But he decided that backtalking the Doctor was not the brightest of ideas so he kept his mouth shut tight.
Sitting up the toy decided to look around the room finally being able to. His eyes darted around, noticing quite a lot of scientific tools and instruments thrown around. It looked as if someone had been angry and given what he'd seen of the Doctor he expected them to be the culprit. Under further inspection from where he sat he noticed toy parts, organs, and unsettling chemicals strewn about as well. Albeit in organized chaos on the counters and tables that littered the room. It really seemed as if the Doctor hadn't gotten proper sleep in quite awhile.
The Doctor watched as the experiment surveyed his surroundings. Getting increasingly frustrated that the toy hadn't left the laboratory yet. He rolled his eyes and decided to leave the room himself.
"I'll see you around. Remember not to screw anything up. I'm watching, always watching. So is the Toymaker."
His words sat with the toy making him shudder. It felt like a threat and he could tell it truly was one as well. He sat there for awhile waiting as he heard the Doctor's footsteps fade away into the distance. Honestly glad to be left alone Cyrus finally decided to properly get up. Maybe he could even properly explore his new home? That should be fun! He wondered if there were others like him. Well not exactly like him...but other toys, other experiments to meet and see.
He quickly stood up, a bit wobbly on his feet at first, grimacing in pain. But his curiosity outweighed it by a long shot. The toy made his way to the laboratory door, opening it and peeking outside. Greeted by a long ominous hallway. Well not too ominous, it had cute character art covering the walls. But after learning what he was he wasn't so sure he should trust the cutesy exterior of this place.
One question he did have that he hadn't asked before is why he was in pain. Was it because they had to physically make him? That would make sense but he also wanted to make sure. He had to find that Doctor fellow...or scientist...or whatever he was.
He had to find out the truth.
And to do that.
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