Sitting on the edge of the bed, I glanced to the mirror.
I was a girl with soft green hair and eyes, pale skin, and gentle features, pretty cute all things considered.
Quite the snazzy little thing.
Only issue is I was severely malnourished, as to how I ran that fast and made that jump must have been pure luck, I felt like I’d collapse any moment.
And my legs burned, no doubt the cuts were getting infected with sytes, but there wasn’t much we would do.
Hayden did what he was able, cleaned and wrapped them in a makeshift bandage, but medical supplies was hoarded by the Nurses.
Leaning back, I flop onto the bed.
This place was called Mullsburry Asylum, it was a place parents would send troubled children to get rid of them.
The conditions are horrid, the staff even worse, and it’s not unusual for children to die and that was before the syte apocalypse.
Bringing my fingers to my lips, I chewed on my nails as I thought.
It wouldn’t be long until I was caught in his room, I couldn’t return to the girls' side without being caught, and I didn’t even know who this was.
Nor was I interested in knowing, as selfish as this might be, this body is mine now, I don’t care who she used to be….I was going to use her to save Hayden.
Hayden, The protagonist of Syte Asylum, he’s a clever boy who enjoys tinkering, after losing his little brother to the Sytes, he lived every day in hopes of finding the cure.
That’s what his character sheet said in the book, and judging by how young he is, the loss of his brother was recent…..
“There we go.” He said softly, and I sat up and looked his way.
He sat on the floor, sewing some of his old clothes for me to wear as mine were contaminated, and all I was wearing was his sleep wear.
“I hope these will fit you, I estimated the size.” He said, folding them up and putting them on the bed beside me.
“Thank you Hayden.” I say sweetly.
“You're welcome, oh and Piper? I’ll bring you back some food, I’ll be back.”
Piper was the name I chose, it was the name of my cat, I thought it suited this body.
I’ll have to get used to responding to it though!
“Again, thank you for helping me.” I said, taking the clothes he had given me and putting them on my lap.
He had just met me yesterday, and already had done so much…..
That’s why I liked his character…..he was an infinite source of hope, that nobody ever noticed…..
“I’m just glad I could help!” He said, smiling as his cheeks tint pink.
The pink of someone who's never thanked or shown gratitude.
It made me clench my teeth, he was too precious for this world….
And I had enjoyed his suffering…..I’m disgusting…..I’m sorry Hayden, I don’t deserve you either.
Waiting for him to leave, I stand and walk over to the mirror.
I was so frail, like running had taken all the life from me, I looked like I was at death's door, it was no wonder Hayden asked I stay in the bed until I feel better.
Undressing, I could see my ribs, how my skin caved in, the bruises and cuts.
Was she abused….?
Shaking my head, it didn’t matter, I never cared about the story of the female extras, this was no different.
Throwing on a blouse, some tights, and some buckled overall bloomers, I stared at myself in the mirror, I didn’t like these moments when he left.
It caused my thoughts to creep in, my unanswered questions.
Was my family okay? How did I get here? Did I die? Is this a dream? Who was this girl? Is Hayden going to live? Can I really change anything?
But if I wanted to help Hayden, I had to bottle everything up, after all, I’m not the protagonist, he is.
This story isn’t about me, it’s about him, and this mindset was going to be what helped me save Hayden from this horrible storyline.
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