Once upon a time lived four kingdoms in the big old world, where everybody lived at peace. Kordania, Mayain, Pyril, Wron. The flowers bloomed, happiness reigned and everyone liked everyone. Until. The kingdom of Kordania was very greedy, and had some issues with the Mayain kingdom. Soon, the war raged between those two, those happy citadians turning to lifeless bodies on the market's fields.
Everyone remembered one name or two. Frederick Meyers, or Edward Meyers. At the age of six, Edward was forced to lead the troups to victory, leaving Mayain to burn in despair as they claimed their lands. There was nobody left, except one single hazel-eyed girl.
Her name was Emelyn, Emelyn Windsor, the lost princess of the kingdom. She survived the war as she ran through the kingdoms, searching for a job, and maybe a life. Emelyn made the others believe her name was Sarah Gray, and she always hid under a dark cape where her face was hidden at all times. They couldn't recognize her. Emelyn couldn't take that risk, or should I say Sarah.
So when she peeked through the streets of Kordania and got offered to become the kingdom's new queen, she had to accept this offer. She knew it was all because of her eyes. All around their world, people with hazel eyes were considered rare and particularly special. Emelyn had to live in wealth, just like she used to. The young girl didn't take the knight's hand right away, because she remembered how this Edward destroyed her life. Her family.
Emelyn always hated Edward and despised him for what he did. She always felt a dagger pierce through her heart at the thought of her family, murdered by the hands of the soldiers of the one and only Edward Meyers. Yet she told herself that she would kill him if ever something went wrong. He had to pay for what he did at all costs, even if that brings Emelyn to fall for him... As she was leaning against the balcony, Emelyn remembered exactly the moment, she remembered exactly how she felt.
Emelyn rambled in the alleys, keeping her head down. Her breathing was heavy, as she roamed, her black cape swinging at every step. She stepped through the market and seeked for a food specialist, keeping a hand over her eyes as a visor for the sun. It was sunny that day in Kordania, and Emelyn was mad at herself for not having appropriate clothing for that king of weather.
It goes by saying that cape was hiding her face, and most importantly her eyes, which helps her not to get recognized. The worst thing that could happen to her and Mayain. If they figured our who she was, they wouldn't killed her without a single hesitation. That's why she had to keep her head lowered, covered by a black hood.
Emelyn's eyes shot around as she leaned in, grabbing an apple for the road. Handing a few coins at the woman in front of her, she handed for the apple, offering a few Xin, not daring to say a single word. Emelyn cleared her throat and smiled slyly as the seller counted the money, her fingers grazing along it as she whispered the count quietly.
"It's hot outside, I don't know how I'll keep up to survive outside...At least it's not raining like every other day huh?" The woman suggested as she took the money and shared her product to Emelyn. She scrunched her nose and wiped her, her eyes wandering over Emelyn's face. Feeling a bit embarassed, Emelyn nodded and bit her lip and started to step away, taking her food at the same time.
"Yeah...It's right. Well uh, thanks for the food, I have to go...." She declared as her cheeks flushed, her head spinning. Emelyn wanted to die from embarassment as she ended her sentence; she couldn't believe what she just said. Adjusting her curtain bangs, she kept her hands on her food, not knowing what to say. Emelyn knew she could run off and make an excuse, yet she knew she couldn't do this.
The woman at the shop nearly lost her breath when she glanced at Emelyn. She discovered one little, tiny, detail on her face, and she gasped, her eyes going wide. Her hazel eyes, a symbol of wealth. She whispered something to herself with the word "royalty" then looked back at her customer, her eyes glinting.
"My my...You have beautiful eyes...What's your name little girl?'
Emelyn coughed a few times in surprise, a bit annoyed. That woman didn't let go of that conversation this easily. Trying to remain polite, the corner of her lips twitched as she just stood there at the burning sun, realisation hitting her. She rubbed the back of her neck and sighed softly, deciding to fake her identity once again.
"I'm Sarah Gray and I'm fifteen years old..." Emelyn felt a bit guilty of lying, but she couldn't tell the truth. If she would have told others her name was Emelyn Windsor, they would've either laughed at her face or raise their eyebrows at the coincidence. Yet everything she said was a lie. She wasn't actually fifteen, her name wasn't Sarah Gray, and never did she lived in Kordania before.
Emelyn startled as she felt a hand grip on of both of her shoulders, as she closed her eyes and stood there in silence, holding the apple in one hand. She didn't dare turn to see who it was, fearing that she was being too obvious about her identity already. The hands were strong and firm; Emelyn assumed it was a man's.
"Alright Marta, we'll take her from there" The man spoke in a low and husky voice as he turned Emelyn to face him. He was an attractive man, yet maybe too much for his own good. The man seemed a bit older than Emelyn, his eyes were gray and neutral, his brown hair tangled in a mess as he wore a royal uniform.
When he smiled at her, Emelyn thanked her heart to be indifferent about him. She didn't want to have a weakness, most particularly in the kingdom that tore her life in two. She wasn't a weakling, and she wanted to make sure she'd leave a great impression to the citizens. Emelyn opened her mouth to speak, and she wanted to say something, yet she didn't. She waited for the man to speak, as she gulped hard and tried keeping eye contact with him.
"Anyways, you can call me Jack.. I have a proposition to make, Sarah; How about you become Prince Edward's new concubine? He's being searching for one and you look pretty appropriate for that kind of job...You also have hazel eyes, which is probably the main cause as well." Jack mumbled the last part and quickly looked back at her, joining his hands as he waited for her answer.
Emelyn's eyes widened as she covered her mouth with her hands. This man was proposing her to become Prince Edward's wife, and eventually the queen of the kingdom. Torn within the feelings, she took a deep breath and tried clearing her thoughts. Her head agreed with it, thinking it would be a great idea to live in wealth, since she has nothing to lose. Her heart told her not to, since it is the kingdom that destroyed hers, and Prince Edwards is also one of her worsts enemies that she ever had. Emelyn finally gave in with the thought that if ever something went wrong, she could decide to get rid of him and get a new life...
"I accept. Let's see where this journey takes us." The soon-to-be-queen was offered of Jack's hand to walk to the castle, and she grabbed it gently. She knew she couldn't back away from her reality now, and her existence was hanging by a thread, and she knew she had to be grateful for it. If it wasn't for her rare eyes, Edward Meyers could decide to cut her existence and throw her away like a piece of garbage...