David spent much of the next morning in bed, shifting between hurt and angry but usually both at the same time. Finally around lunchtime he shoved some clothes on and trudged down to the informal dining room that lunch was usually brought to in their wing. Colin was already there, waiting, and David was surprised to still see his other younger brother, Ben. "You guys still here?"
Ben, though only a couple years older than Colin, was much less of a brat as far as David was concerned. He nodded. "Mum and Dad are talking to Aunt Meredith. There's been more incursions north of us lately." He looked worried, and David didn't blame him.
During his time in the capital, as he'd learned more about the greater Unified Kingdoms, David had come to understand both how valuable and how dangerous his home city-state was. Altair was one of the major sources of Ambrosite, the mineral that was such a huge aid to Big Magic. But the mountainous region around Altair was even more difficult to ward than the sea; though all the major and minor mountain passes were impeccably warded, it was still possible for some types of Twilight creatures to get in by going under mountain - or sometimes over. The former Grand Duke, their grandfather, had fallen in an incursion before David had been born, and Uncle Carson had taken over the Duchy despite being barely out of the Collegium. Now he and Ben's mother rarely dared leave the tower unguarded for longer than a day or two.
"He wants to talk to you too, before we leave," Ben told him, which David found even more curious.
He still went home to see his father every once and a while, of course, though his visits had become shorter and farther apart as he'd gotten older. Jack needed him. But David hadn't returned the past midwinter, since Jack had been there training.
When his father appeared as they were finishing up lunch and invited David for a walk, David went with him.
"How have you been, David? Your mother says you've been excelling in your magical studies while you've been away fostering."
Talk of fostering reminded David of Jack leaving for Altair, and though that certainly wasn't his father's fault, it still made David unhappy. "I guess. It's been fine."
"Yeah?" His father kept to a conversational stroll, turning towards the herb garden. "Your mother had been a bit concerned that you weren't doing much to become a mage before that. Other than your lessons with Jack and Makeda. What changed your mind?"
About fostering, or choosing empowerment? David didn't particularly want to answer all of that. "Just wanted to leave the palace, I guess. See more of the world. Mom said she wouldn't find me any other fosters if I didn't study."
His father gave a contemplative hum. "I know it's a long time away, especially when you haven't even started at the Collegium yet, but... have you thought about where you might want to end up? After you've done the standard studies?"
David thought about Jack, and fought to keep the disappointment he'd been fighting from showing on his face. Maybe he should have thought more seriously about Ricardo's offer. It just sat so wrong in his gut to do something like that just to gain power - especially when he didn't have those kinds of feelings for the other boy. He shrugged again. "I don't know."
"Hmm." His father stopped at the edge of the terrace, turning to lean on the balustrade, looking across the gardens. Over the greenery they could see the towers of the Collegium rising. "Jack has talked about the future a lot with me," he confided. "It's why I've been trying to give him as much opportunity to spend time in Altair leading up to school as I could. Not just for Offensives training."
David's stomach twisted at the reminder. Of course the future would never have been in question for Jack. There was no path for him but to be the High King, and it was what had pulled his friend away from a normal childhood and into responsibility. It was why David had always tried to insert himself into Jack's life, to befriend him, to spend time with him. When had it all become about sex?
"You don't have to help protect the country if you don't want to, of course. There's so many paths of study you can take. But... whatever you choose, I hope you'll consider using that magic to support Jack."
"Jack doesn't want to see me. He doesn't care about me." David replied bitterly, leaning on the balustrade as well so as not to have to look at his father.
"He does," his father said gently. "He's talked about you more than anyone else, David. How to support you, how to make sure he did right by you as both your friend and the King. But you're both young, and he's hurt. It doesn't mean he doesn't care about you."
David frowned down at the balustrade, digging his nail into a ridge in the rough stone surface. "Dunno know how I'm supposed to support him when he won't even see me," he muttered.
For a long moment his father was silent. "It felt hard for me too, when I had to leave Jack's father to take over the tower in Altair," he said finally, and David could hear the regret in his voice. "I think a lot about my Jack. He tried to be so strong for everyone. But even a strong King and a strong Alpha needs someone standing beside him. I should have gone to Theaca to fight with him, whether he wanted me to or not. I know none of us could have known how it would turn out. But I still feel like I failed him."
Out of the corner of David's eye, he could see his father turn to look at him. "Jack needs you, David. Whether he admits it or not. I hope you can support him. If not... I hope you can help him find someone who will. More than just a political marriage. He needs a true friend. Or a lover, a consort."
"I want to support him," David muttered, still picking at the stone, because suddenly the only thing worse than not being with Jack was the thought of someone else in his place. He knew he'd have to deal with wives, of course, heirs needed to happen. But someone else as Jack's confidante....
His father sighed, resting a hand on his back. "David... when I first asked you to come here, to try and help Jack... I was desperate. It was a lot to ask of you, and I'm sorry for that. But you've done so well, son. Better than I ever could. I'm very grateful to you for that. I'm so proud of you."
David tried to swallow down the lump in his throat. "Don't be. I failed."
"You didn't," his father said, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "Not at all, David. You'll see."
"How can I be his friend when he won't even see me?"
His father squeezed his shoulders. "Well, he'll find it harder to hide from you in Altair when you come next week." Then, as if changing the subject, he motioned across the gardens towards the Collegium "You know, the top of the main tower is called the King's tower. The only way in and out is by transport circle, which is tuned to the King. His father and I spent a lot of time there when we were in the Collegium. Every mage needs a tower, even if he's still learning, and every King needs a retreat. I've encouraged Jack to take up in."
"Okay..." David regarded his father, carefully noting his words. Even if it wasn't immediately obvious, there was clearly a reason he was telling it to him.
"I also found this in the library at home and thought you might enjoy it." His father reached inside his mage robes, which David knew held a magical pocket much like his satchel. "One of the journals of Aurora Bennet. Several times great-great-grandmother."
Pressing it into his hands, he held David's gaze. "David... don't feel like you have to force yourself into being something you're not. There are many, many things you can do with your magic, and in the end... the 'what' doesn't matter. You have all the time in the world to decide on the 'what'. The 'who' matters. I really hope you can find a 'who' that makes you happy."
David watched him, then nodded slowly. "Thanks, Dad. I'll do my best."
"Good boy." His father squeezed his shoulder approvingly. Then he stepped back from the balustrade and started back towards the palace. "You're always welcome to spend time in Altair if you want to continue your Offensives training. But you could also ask Jack. It would be good practice for him to teach you."
Author's Notes: (Dad totally ships it. Dad also might be projecting, just a little bit....)
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