Panel 1: Question Fairy strolls, looking perplexed. They ask: “How will I ever meet people and make friends?” Inset box holds pullquote: “ ‘AWWWW just be YOURSELF!!’ – Society”
Panel 2: Question zooms in a happy circle, chortling “HAHAHAHAHA YESSSSS”
Panel 3: Question proceeds to be themself! Captions read: SAYING QUIET PARTS OUT LOUD, NEVER MASKING, and SPONTANEOUS PUBLIC DANCE MOVES
Panel 4: Panicked pullquote in inset box reads: “‘ BUT NOT LIKE THAT!!!’ – ALSO SOCIETY” Question says “too late!” and their fairy friends Heart, Flower, and Aster*sk wave hello.
Panel 5: Final pullquote: “‘Your people will never be able to find you until you show them who you are.’” Attribution: some wise person in a coffeeshop, long ago <Santa Fe c. 1992>