They had been driving all day, stopping here and there to let the two horses pulling the cart rest. It was quite a long journey. Especially since Ori was used to busy days at the orphanage. He was always running around, sometimes cooking with Hana, other times consoling Zoe, and even occasionally chasing after Chrome, stopping him from getting into mischief. Sure, he put on a show to please Gran'ma, but most of the time, he was just covering up.
Anyway, he wasn't used to the quiet that prevailed. Nochi and Kuwa had hardly argued, a bright sun warmed Ori, and the swaying of the cart was even rather pleasant. So much so that he quickly fell into a deep sleep, rocked by the road and the faint scent of violets emanating from Flore.
Ori had worked hard to bring back a few coins to the orphanage. On the farm during harvest seasons, in the evenings serving in some inns, he even tried working at the port's harbor master's office... but the fishy smell made him vomit, so he never went back. On the contrary, he loved working at old Jacob's place, a florist in the southern quarter. He was a very gentle and generous man, who let Ori work even though business wasn't exactly "blooming". Ori loved that joke. Thinking back, Ori could see his colorful stall and could even smell the intoxicating scent of violets on the shelf.
Ori... Ori, we're stopping here. Flore was standing in the middle of the cart, leaning over Ori.
When he opened his eyes, she was so close that Ori could almost see himself in her eyes. She brushed aside a strand of hair falling in front of her eyes and then straightened up.
We're stopping here for today, the horses are tired. Ylva and Nochi went to find food, Kuwa and Ozan are preparing the road for tomorrow, and we need to set up camp.
Ori nervously rearranged his long hair.
Yeah... okay, I... I'm coming right away.
He had a hard time being comfortable around her. He, who was rather discreet and used to blending into the crowd, felt awkward when Flore was around. Like a bad premonition. She always stared at him with her big hazel eyes, as if she could see through him and see someone else. It was really unsettling. But for the sake of this expedition, he'd have to deal with it.
So, they started setting up the tents, not without difficulties. Before he knew it, Ori found himself on his back wrapped in canvas. Flore, who was busy lighting a fire a few meters away, burst out laughing.
I'd like to see you in my shoes! Ori replied, struggling. I've always slept on a pile of straw, I don't know how to set up a tent.
Let me help you then. Can you handle a fire starter?
Yeah, I'm not an idiot either. Just gotta rub anyway.
Exactly. Let's hope you don't burn the canvas. She said, reaching out her hand towards Ori sitting on the ground.
Ori grabbed Flore's hand and she helped him up. Once on his feet, he responded with his usual fake smile from ear to ear:
I'll do my best not to burn your pretty dress, princess.
Flore then lost her smile.
Don't call me that, please.
She handed Ori the fire starter and went to take care of the tents, looking annoyed. Ori muttered thoughtfully:
Whoops, did I say something I shouldn't have? Good to know...
Perplexed, he silently lit the fire that Flore had prepared. Glancing over, he noticed that she was surprisingly good with the tent. Once the fire was lit, he decided to leave her alone and go see Ozan and Kuwa. They were standing, in the shade of an oak tree, with a map in the cyborg's hand, who was starting to get agitated and making big gestures, pointing at the forest and then the road.
But I'm saying the northwest is that way! I can still read a map!
Yes, but we have to go through the Kuwa forest.
That'll add a whole day to our journey! It'll be tough to move forward with the cart.
I know, and that's why the journey is so long even though the village isn't far.
But why would we go through the forest when we can shorten the journey...
Because we don't have a choice! I don't think I need to explain it to you, but that's how it is. What do you think, why is it that only mages and animagi can find our villages? Even your Chief Marshal couldn't raze the forest and find a single magic village!
Come on, don't say it like we're monsters. Just because we're at war with Raï doesn't mean we're going to come and raze your forests.
Well, I hope not! Anyway, you have plenty to do plundering the mountains of Raï.
What's happening to me... I'm not going to start debating politics with a magus kid...
Ori, who had been a spectator so far, intervened, clearing his throat.
I trust Ozan. After all, we're going to his village, so he must know what he's talking about.
The other two turned to Ori. He continued, embarrassed.
Yeah, well... I think... it's up to you guys.
You're right, Ori. Said Kuwa with a sigh. We're not going to argue about it. Sorry, Ozan.
Don't worry, I'll always be here to be right if you need me.
Don't get too used to it, kid. Kuwa replied, laughing. It could go to your head. Well, I'm going to take care of the horses. You're free until our two hunters bring us something to eat. But don't wander too far.
Ori gave a military salute, fingertips touching his forehead.
At your command, General Kuwa!
This got a laugh out of Ozan, which spread to the other two.
Ori didn't want to go back to see Flore right away, so he suggested to Ozan to settle under a large oak tree a bit away from the campsite until they had something to eat. Night was starting to fall, revealing its starry robe.
Thanks, Ori. said Ozan after taking a sip from his water bottle. Thanks for taking my side earlier.
Oh, it's nothing, don't worry. I've read a few books about mages, and it said their villages were inaccessible to those who didn't know how to get there. So, following your path seems logical to me.
Logical or not, thank you very much. I left home to prove that I can handle things on my own. It feels good to be validated by someone.
Haha, you know, I don't think my opinion counts for much compared to a cyborg general, a Valkyrie warrior, a Raï arena fighter, or a royal princess.
You're not wrong. Replied Ozan with a smirk. In the end, we're the two most normal ones in the group.
Well... if "normal" means doing elemental magic and creating wind.
Oh, you know, if you had my level, you wouldn't be happy. And we manipulate, we don't create. That's why I struggle when the weather is nice.
Aaah... So, for example, you can't make water if you're in the middle of the San desert?
Well, I can't make water at all because I'm a wind mage, but yeah, that's the idea.
You can only choose one element?
Ozan chuckled.
If only we could choose... Unfortunately, we're not that lucky. Our element is decided randomly. The only exception is the ultimate magus, they say he masters all the elements, but no one knows how he does it.
ALL?! Wow, I didn't think he was that strong. For me, he was just an old geezer trying to get magic villages to agree.
He's definitely old; the ancients say he was already around for centuries when they were born. I don't know where he gets his longevity.
Ori looked up at the sky filled with stars. His eyes were too.
That makes me even more eager to see him. Him, the different countries, all the peoples, their powers, their cultures.... I'm glad I came with you.
Further away, towards the camp, Nochi and Ylva were coming back with a deer slung over the fighter's shoulders.
Dinner's ready!
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