war is routinereflexreaction to everything,from sleep to each round fired,all the worse aloneeven with mothers memorysand the bowman whispers,one office tower1000 movement signs on sensor,they all screamall howl,blow a building?id feel betterbut call down storms unknown,walk in slowinto the thick green fogpurely using sensorsstill shockednearly hitting buildings,under foot of the bow mani hear metal crunching and wet splats...wolf so alone in this toxic nightmare,looking up,is that a mech?whispering through static floods all channels...through the gloom stumbles a mecharm missingbreach in cockpit,it stumbleswhipping its remaining armfiring laser blasts,i duck being a metal and glass ruinthe bowman shows the other mech has a link like i use,"gotta kill the meateven if its not human"spin torso half turnfiring my own lasers,2 shots hit the torsoi see the power core sparkthrough breached armour,one morethe thing explodesradio channels screaming,not safehard run to the map marker the bow man keeps pinged,through building after buildingcrash through,half way there a shape falls on my cockpit cover,human? cant tell the clouds and fog too thicki pull out my torch and shine it at the point i think is a head,even through the hardened glass and its metal weavethe face i saw, if it was human once i prey death took them before that change...
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