The next day the driver decided to go to work and to finish off the week in hopes of getting even partial pay that they were all owed.
The other two declined and had no hope of getting paid at all.
They decided to stay home and devise a plan to enact revenge on Tyler instead.
So the driver left for the day.
Upon arrival, he set out to wash some bottles and fill them to stack them on the racks for the walk-in customers. There was no thought of making any deliveries at all.
A few hours later, Tyler arrived and was furious that the other two greys didn't show up.
The driver provided no explanation.
Later in the day, Harvey arrived.
Once a week Harvey rides his fat tire mountain bike to the shop to buy a 5 gallon water bottle and rides home with it. Not an easy task.
The driver tells Harvey to wait a few minutes while he turns on the filtration system for him.
He then informs him of what his colleagues found out at the safe house.
Harvey isn't surprised but is angered nonetheless.
He tells the driver he will make a detour and ride by it on his way home and see if there is anything worth noting.
The driver nods, and once Harvey has his bottle, he leaves.
Not long after, Harvey approaches the safe house.
As he rides by, he sees a man sitting on the front steps smoking out of a glass pipe.
"I hope you die, you degenerate," yells Harvey.
A woman employee standing outside heard him and shouted back:
"Check your privilege!"
"We are here and we aren't going anywhere!"
"Shut up Karen!" he yelled back as he rode away.
The Wellness Centre and other government organizations of that ilk are usually run by leftist progressives who have never lived outside of their affluent bubbles. They hate the West and tirelessly try to undermine it, even though the West is the only place they are tolerated.
Well, not tolerated by all.
The greys agreed that the Wellness Centre was to be burned to the ground.
But first they wanted revenge on Tyler.
Back at the shop, after a long day of washing bottles while Tyler filled them, the driver headed home, where he learned his two colleagues had a productive day acquiring weapons.
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