Chapter 4: Chilli
Chilli was lying down in a hospital bed. It was the same room, but it felt different. To her, the air felt thinner. The family was waiting for Ava to see them. That’s when Trixie, Bluey and Bingo’s aunt, opened the door. “I wish you’d told us before! We would’ve come sooner!” Trixie closed the door behind her.
“Hey Trix, it’s good to see you. I assume Stripe is with the kids?” Bandit asked. “Yep. They’re sitting in the waiting room.” Stripe is Bandit’s younger brother and Trixie’s husband. He can handle the kids any day but can be clumsy sometimes.
“Sounds good, I hope they aren’t too much trouble for him.” He laughed. Trixie chuckled, “Don’t worry about him. What I’m worried about is you.” She turned to Chilli, “You good girl? How are you doing?” “I’m fine. Just… dealing with a lot I guess,” She laughed a bit with a forced smile. “I bet. But hey, you’re going to b-”
Knock knock. Ava poked her head inside. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything-” “No no, come in,” Chilli answered. “Ok! Well, Mrs Heeler, today we’re giving you more shots to slow down the development of the rabies. After that, we’ll need you to stay here overnight so we can keep an eye on you while we prepare for your operation tomorrow. All good?” “Oh, I didn’t think I’d have to stay, but I guess that’s fine…” She looked down at the bed. Bandit put his hand on her shoulder. “Alright! I will go get your shots and I will be right back!” Ava quickly left, shutting the door behind her.
“She seems nice,” Trixie commented. “She is. The kids aren’t very fond of her, but she tries.” Chilli replied, resting her head on Bandit’s hand. Trixie looked at the door, and then at the ground. “So… you think you’ll be alright with the shots? I hear rabies shots can be painful…” “Oh really?” Chilli was surprised. “I guess I’ll be alright. They can’t be much worse than normal shots.” Trixie just looked at her, without replying.
Knock knock. “Hellooo.” Ava walked in with three syringes in a bag. “Alright, Mrs Heeler. We are almost ready to start. I just need to know where you were scratched or bit to inject these near the area.” “That’s the thing! I don’t know what I got it from! It’s not like I… I…” Chilli stopped.
“Oh… I think I remember now.” Chilli looked down at her hand.
-The Airport, a few weeks ago-
Chilli was standing in her normal position. She works in airport security. It’s her job to check everyone’s bags before they proceed. It was just a normal day.
“Almost break time,” Chilli whispered to herself. She looked at the line of dogs waiting to be checked. That’s when she noticed an odd figure standing next in line. He was dressed sharply, covered head-to-toe in expensive clothing. He was holding a cage under his arm. A blanket covered the front. He was tapping his foot quickly while rocking back and forward.
“Um, next… please?” Chilli called him over, then spoke quietly into her radio, “Hey, could I get some help at gate D. I don’t like the look of this guy.” The man put his suitcase and cage on the table in front of him. “Can you please uncover the cage so I can see what’s inside?” “Nope.” The man responded. “Sir,” Chilli’s voice was more firm now, “please uncover the cage.” “No. You can’t see.” Chilli was annoyed now. She reached towards the front of the cage to take the blanket off. “Sir, I am just trying to do my j-”
Just then, something in the cage scratched her hand before she could get the cover off. The creature started making a lot of noise. The man pulled the cage closer to him quickly. “Look what you’ve done! You made my baby angry!” He caressed the top of the cage.” Chilli backed up. Two guards ran over and restrained the man, carefully taking his cage. “HEY! GET OFF ME! DON’T TOUCH ME!” The man yelled. Chilli grabbed her hand and left towards the employee bathroom.
“Ugh. Of course, we get a crazy person right before my break…” Chilli washed her hand off in the sink. “The scratch isn’t that bad I guess…”
-The Hospital Room, present day-
“I was going to see the doctor after work but I forgot…” Chilli explained, holding her hand. There was a faded scratch on her hand that you could barely see now. Bandit, again, put his hand on her shoulder. Chilli didn’t react.
“I see… You’re here now at least.” Ava replied. Trixie nodded in agreement. “Can I see your hand please?” Ava held Chilli’s hand and started wiping it off. “I should warn you, rabies shots are extremely painful, but I need you to keep your hand still for each one. I recommend holding your husband’s hand to help vent some of the pain…” “O-k…” Chilli nervously replied. Bandit grabbed her other hand with both hands. Trixie also put her hand on Chilli’s shoulder for emotional support. “You got this Chilli.” She appreciated Trixie’s words.
“Ready?” Ava questioned, holding the first syringe close to the top of her hand. “Yep-” Chilli quickly replied. Ava then slowly injected the first syringe. Chilli gripped Bandit's hand, almost crushing it. Ava couldn’t rush the process but she wished it could be over instantly. Chilli felt her hand swell. It felt like every vein in her hand was going to pop. She just gritted her teeth, doing her best not to move. The first shot was done.
Ava gave Chilli some time to recover before injecting the other two. They were slightly smaller but still painful. Chilli considered not taking the other two, but she had to. Afterwards, Chilli was exhausted, and Bandit’s hand was sore.
“I’ll leave you guys alone for now. I won’t be the one who does your operation tomorrow, but I’ll check in on you. Visiting hours end in a few hours by the way.” “Thanks, Ava,” Bandit said. “Take care!” Ava closed the door behind her.
The room was silent.
“Are you ok honey?” Bandit asked putting his hand on her shoulder. “Yeah, those shots look like they did a number on you…” Trixie chimed in, standing on the other side of the bed. “I’m fine. My hand is just sore now. I feel so weak though…” “Do you want me to go get the kids?” “No! I mean… no… I just don’t want them to see me like this…” “I understand. I’ll stay for a little longer, and then take them home. They’re probably bored out of their minds.”
Soon after, Bandit left, giving Chilli a goodbye hug. Bluey was worried about Chilli, but Bandit reassured her, saying they’d video chat with Chilli later. Trixie stayed longer and Stripe joined to see how Chilli was doing. They talked for a bit, mainly about what the kids got up to while waiting, but they also left soon after.
Bluey was lying in bed, looking at the ceiling. She took a bath and brushed her teeth. She was just waiting for Bingo to finish so they could be tucked in. It wouldn’t make a difference though. She couldn’t sleep if she tried. Thoughts about Mum bounced around in her head.
Mum never stayed overnight at the hospital before. She is sick, but how sick is she?
What if something happens to her? What if she-
“BLUEY!” Bandit yelled, trying to get her attention. “AH, WHAT?” Bluey quickly replied. “You ok mate? Mum’s on the phone wanting to see you!” “Oh… ok!” Her tone quickly changed. Bluey ran over, grabbed the phone, and sat next to Bingo, pointing the phone at both of them. “Hi sweethearts!” “Hi!” Bluey and Bingo replied. “It’s so nice to see you two… You didn’t build a burger shop in the tub did you?” “No-” “Blueyyy-” “...Ok maybe a small shop, we inherited it from the last owner after he left!” Chilli laughed. Bandit leaned into the view of the camera, “Don’t worry Mum, I had to shut ‘em down after they failed the health inspection.” Bandit laughed. “Yeah! Even though we cleaned everything!” Bluey started pouting. Bandit rubbed her head, “There was a rat eating the meat!” “Nu-uh!” Bluey replied.
Bingo was quiet, she was just looking at the others while they talked. Chilli noticed this. “What did you do Bingo?” “Oh! Uhh… I was the chef-” She quietly replied. “Oh that’s cool! I bet Bluey couldn’t have run the shop without your help!” Bingo looked away, holding back a small smile. “Yeah, I guess…”
They continued talking for a while longer. Chilli made some jokes about the hospital food, but the kids had to go to bed eventually.
“Ok, I should let you lot get to sleep. You have school tomorrow after all.” Chilli said, slightly disappointed. “Awwww. Ok,” Bluey said as her ears dropped. “Hey, don’t worry about it! You’ll see her after school tomorrow!” Bandit put his head on her head. “Ok!” Bluey replied. Bingo was still quiet, about to get up and go to bed when Chilli stopped her. “Oh! And Bingo!” She turned around and laid back down.
“I know I’m not there to tuck you in, so I need you to be a big girl for me ok? Floppy is there if you need help defeating any evil monsters that might appear in your dreams! And when Floppy isn’t enough, remember…” Bingo’s eyes widened.
“I’ll always be here for you, no matter what. Because I love you” Chilli let out a small tear, but quickly wiped it away. “Ok, Mama.” Bingo started smiling.
“And Bluey, look out for your little sister ok? Remember? You have the power to make Bingo feel as big as a giant!” Chilli had a big grin on her face. “Ok, Mum,” Bluey replied. She also had a big smile on her face. “Alright, get to bed you two. I love you both!” “Love you too.” Bluey and Bingo replied in unison. They both jumped into their beds, and Bandit tucked them in.
The next morning. Bluey and Bingo were eating breakfast. Bandit was hurrying to get their stuff ready for school. He noticed that Bingo was eating slower than usual. She spent more time looking at her food than actually eating it. “What’s up Bingo? You’ve hardly touched your peanut butter and banana!” Bingo didn’t respond. “Oh, is it because of Mum? And what she said before?” Bingo still didn’t respond, but she looked up at Bandit. “I see…” Bandit let out a large sigh. “I think it’s about time I explained to you what’s going on with your mum…” Bingo and Bluey looked at him.
“Mom feels emotions, like happy and sad and mad. But she feels much bigger than we do! When she’s happy, she’ll be the happiest of us all! When she’s sad, she’ll be the saddest, and when she’s mad, unfortunately, she’ll be the maddest… She can’t entirely control it, since the doctors don’t have a cure they can give her. She just needs practice and a WHOLE lot of believing in herself. She’s been practicing for most of her life, even before you were born!” Bandit poked Bluey, causing her to giggle.
“But she’s not perfect… She’ll make mistakes like before and continue to make mistakes since those feelings never really go away. But just know that she’s trying her hardest… because she also loves you the biggest out of everyone…” Bandit put his hand on Bingo’s.
Bluey looked mostly indifferent, but Bingo was stunned. She looked down at her food without saying anything. Bandit noticed. “She also knows you love her bigger than anything…” He looked at her with a smile. Bingo smiled back. It looked like she had an idea at that moment. Bandit just smiled and continued getting things ready.
Bandit took the kids to school and left to join Chilli at the hospital. Bandit was waiting in an elevator thinking about what he told the kids. Chilli always preferred not to say anything about her condition, probably because she thought they’d give the kids the wrong idea about her. “She’ll understand…” Bandit whispered to himself. He found her room, walked in, and closed the door behind him.
“Hi Honey,” Bandit said walking into the room. “Hi… Thank god you got here. I’m not feeling too good right now…” She was slurring her words. “Oh! Should I get a doctor to-” “No… they already gave me stuff to try and make it better…” “Oh… I’m sorry.” Chilli sighed and smiled, “It’s ok… I’m just so glad you’re h… you’re… h-” Chilli stopped. She blankly stared at Bandit. He leaned in closer to try and hear what she was saying.
“I- I- I…” Chilli started shaking and foaming at the mouth. Bandit let out a large gasp and reached in his pack for a syringe. He quickly tried grabbing Chilli’s arm with his free hand. Before he could inject the solution, Chilli knocked his hands away, and kicked him in the stomach, pushing him down. His back hit the wall hard, and he let out a grunt. The syringe dropped on the ground next to him. Chilli jumped up from the bed and grabbed Bandit around the neck, trying to bite him. “What are- what are you doing!” He struggled to talk while holding Chilli’s face back. He noticed the syringe next to him. With one arm, he held Chilli back and reached for the syringe with the other.
He got it.
He quickly stabbed the syringe into Chilli’s shoulder, still struggling to keep her away. She continued fighting for a moment but started to get weaker. Eventually, she stopped, laying her head down in Bandit’s lap. Bandit was breathing heavily. He put her hand on Chilli’s head, struggling not to pass out. Chilli was breathing slowly. With all the energy she had, Chilli said one thing:
“T-Thank you…”
“Huh?” Bandit was still struggling to breathe. “Thank you for what?-” His breathing started returning to normal. “Oh… Yeah… You’re welcome.” He started to pat her head. Bandit noticed something wasn’t right though. She wasn’t moving.
He gasped and quickly sat up. “Chilli?” He grabbed her shoulders and laid her on her back. He put his head against her stomach. She wasn’t breathing. He let out another, louder gasp and yelled, “DOCTOR!” He grabbed the syringe and noticed it was completely empty. “SOMEONE!” He tried giving her CPR. “Come on… Come on… please… ANYONE!”
A doctor opened the door and ran over to the two. He put his head against her stomach to see if she was breathing. He stood up quickly and grabbed a defibrillator from one of the shelves. “CLEAR” He pushed the pads against her chest. He tried five more times, putting his head on her chest each attempt.
“Hey, why’d you stop? KEEP TRYING!” Bandit yelled.
The doctor dropped his head “I’m so sorry Mr Heeler, but-” “NO.” He pushed him away and tried giving her CPR again. “She can’t be…” He started crying. “Mr Heeler! Stop!” “NO!” One more doctor came in along with Ava. Two of them grabbed Bandit and pulled him away from her. “HEY, LET GO OF ME!”
“Bandit! Calm down!” Ava yelled. Tears fell from Bandit’s face. “NO… I can’t…” He continued to struggle. “Please Bandit!” She yelled again.” Bandit slowed down, still crying. “I… I…” He fell to his knees. Ava slowly walked over and put one hand on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry…” Bandit couldn’t believe it. A small crowd of people formed near the door.
The room was silent.
Bingo was sitting at a small table at Kindy. She pulled out a piece of paper and crayons. She started by drawing the earth. Then, Chilli and her standing in the middle. Finally, the stars and black background. She held up the paper in front of her and smiled. Just then, she got another idea, she put the paper back down and wrote “Best Mum in the Wurld! !” across the top. She smiled again, proud of her drawing.
-End of Chapter 4-
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