Chapter 5: Hiding
Bandit was sitting alone in the middle of the living room. It was still early, and the girls were asleep. He was melting into the cushions, his head resting on the back of the couch. His eyes darted around to random parts of the ceiling. His breathing was slow and heavy.
He closed his eyes… thinking about tucking the kids in last night … their innocent faces… thinking about the car ride home after picking them up. thinking about leaving the hospital… thinking about… He winced from the thought, covering his mouth with both hands. His breathing sped up. Tears started forming… Eventually, he tried taking deeper breaths, but it still hurt.
“How… How am I going to tell the girls…” Bandit said under his breath.
RINGGGGG. Bandit shot up and looked around the room. RINGGGGG. He picked up his phone sitting next to him. RINGGGGG. It was his older brother Radley. Bandit quickly wiped his tears away and cleared his throat. “cough cough H- Hello? What’s up?”
“Hey Bandit- I saw what you put in the family group chat- I’m so sorry… How are you doing?” “I uh…” “It’s ok if you don’t want to talk about it!” Radley quickly said, trying to be polite. “NO! I mean… it’s ok…” Bandit said quietly after correcting himself.
“God, I’m…” Bandit winced again. “It’s terrible… I don’t know what I’m going to do, man… What CAN I do?” He barely got the sentence out. Rad just sighed. “Look, brother... I know things seem-” “Is that Bandit!?” Bandit could faintly hear the voice of Frisky, Radley’s wife, through the phone. “Yes, honey, it’s him.” Bandit was kind of glad he was cut off. He wasn’t ready for Rad’s attempt at comforting him.
“Let me see that… Bandit, are you there, hun?” Frisky took Rad’s phone and gently spoke into it. “Yeah… I’m here.” Bandit replied. “Hey… We’re all going to miss her… so much… more than anything.” She paused, taking a deep breath to keep her composure. “I can not begin to imagine what you’re feeling… if there’s anything we can do for you. Do not hesitate to ask.” Bandit looked at the phone. “Thank you… Frisky… I know how hard this is for everyone.” “Definitely…” She gasped. “How are the kids doing!? Are they ok!?” Bandit's eyes widened. “I… haven’t told them yet…” Radley yelled through the phone, “YOU HAVEN’T? Oh, I mean-”
“OW-” Frisky punched him in the arm and sighed. “I see…”
“I want to tell them! I- I just don’t know what to say… What could I s-” “No! You don’t have to explain. I get it.” Frisky interrupted. The call went silent. “Look, you are one of the strongest and smartest dogs I know. Whatever you do, I know you’ll do what’s best.” “Thank you… again” Bandit replied. “Oh! And I’m here if you need anything too, Frisk. I know how hard it is for you as well…” Bandit said, forgetting about his own grief for a moment. Frisky was silent.
“Thank you Bandit… Hang in there… ok? We love you.”
“Love you too, Frisk. Tell Rad I said thank you.”
“Will do,” The call went silent again. “Goodbye-” Frisky quickly replied before hanging up.
“Bye-” He turned off the phone, leaned back on the couch, and looked up at the ceiling” It seemed lower than before… the details, a little clearer. He closed his eyes but he could still see it… the ceiling.
Bandit quickly stood up. “OH! Yes! I was just lying down! Just watching the tele, you know.” He quickly turned on the TV after saying that. He turned around and saw Bluey standing in the doorway. “Heyyy! You ready to eat some uh… breakfast?”
He forgot to make breakfast.
“Oooh, ok!” Bluey replied with her tail wagging. “Go wake up your sister will ya?” Bandit put his hand on her shoulder. “Ok!” She ran back to her room. Bandit put his face in his hands and then wiped. “Come on, Bandit.” Usually, they had toast for breakfast on weekends. He grabbed a box of cereal from the cupboard. “Cereal is good. It’s good to shake things up sometimes.”
RINGGGGG. He almost dropped the cereal box. “Again?” He looked at his phone and saw that Trixie was calling. “Oh man-” He denied the call and texted her instead.
Bandit 7:16 - Sorry, I can’t call rn.
Trix 7:16 - Sorry just wanted to check in. How are you doing? I saw what happened :(
Bandit 7:17 - I’m not doing good. Thank you for checking
“There you two are! Glad you could finally join me for breakfast.” Bluey and Bingo sat at the table. “Oooh, I love cereal,” Bluey said with excitement. Bingo wasn’t as excited, but she was still happy to eat. “Did you two have a good night’s sleep?” “Sure did,” Bluey replied, sticking a spoon in her mouth. “Good. Good. Oh! How was school? I forgot to ask in the car. I bet Mrs. Retriever has some choice words about this one.” Bandit poked Bingo’s tummy. “Hehehe, noooo she doesn’t. I drew a picture!” “Oh really? Can I see?” “Yeah!” Bingo hopped up from her seat and ran away. “What about yo-” DING. “Oh. One second, Bluey.”
Trix 7:19 - Oh, I’m so sorry, Bandit. What happened btw? You said the doctors messed up? Do you think you could sue?
Bandit 7:19 - Idk. How are you and Stripe doing?
Bingo came back and held the drawing out in front of her. Bandit put down his phone.
“Wow! Look… at… that-”
“See! It’s a picture of me and mum!” Bandit felt his stomach drop. “Wow… cough honey. That’s…” He felt like he was going to throw up. “Amazing!” It took all of Bandit’s strength to get a sentence out.
“Is it good? I want to show Mum!” Bandit was lightheaded. “Yeah!” Bandit grabbed the paper with both hands.
“When can we see Mum again?”
“Ok!” Bandit slammed his hand down on the table, which startled the kids a bit. “How ‘bout we go for a walk?” “Again? Bluey replied. “We took a walk yesterday!” “I know! But let’s get some more exercise in! Come on!” “Ok!” Bluey was still cheerful as usual, but Bingo was still surprised. She grabbed her drawing and walked up to her room to get ready.
The three were walking on the sidewalk, this time without the wagon. Bluey and Bingo appreciated the scenery while Bandit replied to Trixie.
Trix 7:20 - We’re hurting too. We were supposed to have a hockey match tomorrow. I guess she would want us to play anyway but idk…
Bandit 7:48 - It’s terrible.
gasp “Bluey look! A caterpillar!” GASP “No way! It’s so fluffy and cute.”
Bandit looked up from his phone. “Don’t touch him girls! He might be poisonous.”
“Ohhhh- ok. We’ll just look at him- Right Bingo?” Bingo was reaching towards it. “Hey!” Bluey grabbed her hand away and chuckled. They started walking again.
Bandit was behind the girls. He occasionally checked his phone to see if anyone else was messaging him. He scrolled through his contacts and paused for a second. He started writing a message when Trixie messaged him again.
Trix 7:53 - Ikr… We’re going to take a few days off of work. You probably should too-
Bandit 7:53 I know. I’ll see what I can do wit|
A car drove past in front of Bandit.
“Red dog means no walk, remember?” Bingo pointed toward the traffic light. “Oh… Right! Good job, Bingo.” He patted her head. He looked at the light and then back down at his phone. Bandit let out a long sigh.
He silenced his phone before sending one more message.
Bandit 7:54 - Hey. I don’t know if you saw what happened yet. But if you’d like to come over sometime, I’d really appreciate the company, Brandy.
-End of Chapter 5-
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