In a world where Dragons rule the skies...
Humans have learned how to summon these beasts to help them in their fights, earning them the title of Dragon Rider.
But lurking in the darkest areas of this world are Dragons who’ve been corrupted by an evil presence, and our heroes will have to face-off against the very creatures they love...
Kieran, a Captain in the Dragon Rider Corp, will do everything he can to protect his wife, daughter, and his son, Callan, who wants to grow up and become a Dragon Rider too!
In a world where Dragons rule the skies...
Humans have learned how to summon these beasts to help them in their fights, earning them the title of Dragon Rider.
But lurking in the darkest areas of this world are Dragons who’ve been corrupted by an evil presence, and our heroes will have to face-off against the very creatures they love...
Kieran, a Captain in the Dragon Rider Corp, will do everything he can to protect his wife, daughter, and his son, Callan, who wants to grow up and become a Dragon Rider too!
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