London, the twisting, turning labyrinth of gleaming skyscrapers and shadowy, old-world alleyways - and the hotspot of modern-day Wakes. They first started appearing in the 1960s, a boom that catapulted this version of Earth in a completely different direction. Now, about 8% of the world wields this strange and terrifying magic, tightly controlled by the iron grip of the NWS, a government body embroiled in secrets.
On a cold morning in Elephant and Castle, amidst a hijacking gone wrong, there is a cataclysmic arrival. From the chaos, a new power descends, shaking the city to its core. The people of London call it a miracle, the moment their Guardian Angel arrived. But for the one who fell, it was the moment of death. Leaving behind a life in another world.
Known only as Midnight to the masses, for ten long years, the Hero watches over the city. A symbol of hope in a metropolis consumed by greed, corruption and fear. Yet behind the awe and adoration lies a darker stifling truth. London’s underbelly teems with ancient secrets, where the transgressions of the past are entwined in the very foundations of the earth. While old enemies walk brazenly in the light, the Hero must grapple with the cost of this life, where the brightest beacons attract the darkest attention.Read more
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