This fog could right at this moment also signify cigarette smoke because our neightbours are literally smoking us out and the smell is triggering horrible migraines. I have already napped twice today, feeling nausea and and pain since yesterday evening when they started the process of smoking indoors and slowly killing me off. (I'm not the only one suffering and complaining though, my partner is also in pain and one other family has complained to the land lord.)
The brainfog is severe. I feel like shit.
I can't art because my right eye is burning out of my skull.
There is no respite.
I'll try to be back with another comic in two weeks again- something something, I have been working on the comicbook and it has a cover now - visit my ko-fi for support, we try to save to move out of this hell hole, follow, drop ink? idk.
I will try to breathe now.
Take care, stay safe. I try not to get lung cancer from passive smoking..
Trying my hardest to cope with a rare neurological sleep disorder some people don't even believe exists and yet manages to ruin my life.
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You can also support the comic by donating to me in ko-fi: where each donation helps me keep up making these. <3
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