It’s Anthony’s turn to take Adrian for the week. However, the usual Sunday drop off at his house has been thwarted by an unexpected text from Candace.
I will come pick up Adrian this evening.
I don’t understand it. Never in their history of being a couple, has she ever made an effort to come and pick him up from my apartment. I begin to wonder whether she has ever set foot inside my tiny little space called home. I suddenly feel embarrassed at the thought of her judging me and my pathetic accommodations.
I wait impatiently for her arrival later that day. It’s nearly 8 pm when she finally turns up, and I’m feeling exhausted. When I answer the door, she is standing in there looking absolutely defeated. This is unlike her generally perfect put-together self.
I think she may need the support of a friend. I suddenly feel inclined to feel sorry for her.
“Would you like to come in and talk?” I ask, immediately regretting my hospitality and hoping she will turn down the offer.
“Actually, yes. Thank you.” she says, making her way inside without hesitation.
I pull out a chair for her, but she remains standing.
Her words make their way to my ears before I even have a chance to make eye contact. “I think Anthony might be seeing Ms. Paula.”
“What?!” I cannot believe what I’m hearing. “Ms. Paula, as in Adrian’s teacher?”
She is not amused. In fact, she is dead serious. “Yes. Ms. Paula.”
I am searching for words at this point. I knew he was a cheater. That part was obvious in the way we had ended things, but I had assumed he was over that chapter in his life. I wanted to believe he had changed when he met Candace.
“I—I didn’t know. I mean…how?” The words are not forthcoming.
“At Adrian’s parent-teacher conference two weeks ago.”
I wince with profound perplexity. “Conference?!” I can hardly believe they had gone to his conference without me. “I knew nothing about his school conference!”
My mind races back and forth between wondering why Ms. Paula had failed to contact me regarding said conference, and why on earth Anthony would want to keep this important meeting from me in the first place. We are supposed to be parenting as a team!
“Oh…” She looks shocked, although something tells me it’s not genuine. “Anthony said—Shoot! I thought you knew, but you had to work.”
I shake my head sorrowfully in disbelief.
“I’m sorry…” She looks around the room, finally noticing Adrian laying on the living room rug holding up a nerf gun pointed toward the ceiling. He is already dressed in pajamas and ready for bed.
“Hi, buddy!”
I wonder why she is choosing this moment to try to avert the subject. Then I cringe at the familiarity of her tone with my son.
Buddy? Only Anthony calls him that.
When he doesn’t respond, she directs her attention back towards our conversation. I feel relieved. I need answers just as much as she does.
“So, how do you know he’s having an affair with Ms. Paula?”
She takes a deep shaky breath. “During the parent-teacher conference, I noticed his leg rubbing against hers under the table. She was staring back at him, smiling. She looked like she enjoyed it.” She lets out an exasperated groan, “The whole conference they were flirting with each other with their eyes and legs. They thought I didn’t notice. I should have done something right then and there! I just couldn’t. I couldn’t do it!”
Candace slumps into the chair I pulled out for her with her face sunken into her hands. She is sobbing uncontrollably.
Adrian is very worried at this point. He sits up, alerted to the sounds of her sobs. “Candace?” He stands and walks towards her slowly. His gentle hands come up over her shoulders to hug her from behind.
The closeness between them is aggravating. It’s so unbearable to witness, that I just want her to leave immediately.
I begin to speak curtly. Undeniable rage is creeping in, consuming my ability to feel sorry for her. “Candace, you are going to be okay. Things will work themselves out. I really need to start preparing for my work week tomorrow.” I feel as heartless as I sound, but she should have known better when she decided to have a relationship with that man. She should have known better when she met him, and he made the decision to cheat on me with her. She should have known better when they got pregnant with his second child before even the thought of a marriage proposal had entered the equation. They’re still not engaged, and perhaps it goes without saying — that man is a womanizer.
Candace looks up at me with red teary eyes. She is stunned by my lack of support. I reach for Adrian and squeeze him tightly. His wiry little body wrapped around mine.
“Mommy will see you soon.” I kiss his cheeks softly. “Just a few days, and we will be together again.”
He nods with understanding. These goodbyes have been difficult for him in the past. Now they are ingrained into his routine, and he has learned to cope, just as I have. My least favorite times are when my son is not with me. They have him every other week, and in those times my life seems to unravel.
I cannot face Candace. Please just leave, I think to myself.
I fetch Adrian’s backpack, stuffed with extra clothing, and set it on the table in front of her. She takes the hint finally, and leaves, taking my son by the hand and making her way out without looking back.
I think for a moment about Anthony. Once again, he is on the prowl for his next victim. The man will never learn.
I hate him.
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