In a grand kingdom nestled between misty mountains and rolling meadows, lived a young prince named Alexander. At the tender age of twelve, he faced the greatest tragedy of his life - the passing of his beloved father, the king. Suddenly thrust into a world of responsibilities and royal duties, Alexander found himself incredibly lonely in the vast marble halls of his castle.
One spring morning, while walking through the palace gardens, he encountered a girl his age named Eleanor, the daughter of the royal gardener.
"Why do you look so sad?" she asked, catching him by surprise.
"I'm not sad," Alexander replied automatically, straightening his posture as he'd been taught.
Eleanor tilted her head and studied him. "You don't have to pretend with me. I'm not like those stuffy courtiers who treat you like you're made of glass."
She reached up and plucked a bright red apple from a nearby tree. "Here," she said, offering it to him with a warm smile. "Would you like to climb trees with me? The view from up there is magnificent, and I promise not to tell anyone if you happen to tear your fancy clothes."
Alexander stared at her for a moment, then broke into his first genuine smile in months. "I'd like that very much."
From that day forward, Eleanor became Alexander's constant companion. They spent their afternoons exploring the castle grounds, sharing secrets in the library, and dreaming up adventures. She taught him about the simple joys of life - the satisfaction of dirt under fingernails from planting flowers, the thrill of racing through the marketplace in disguise, and the peace found in watching the sunset from their favorite tower.
As years passed, their friendship deepened. Eleanor stood by Alexander's side as he learned the intricacies of ruling a kingdom. She offered honest counsel when he faced difficult decisions, made him laugh when the burden of the crown felt too heavy, and reminded him to stay true to himself when court politics threatened to change him.
Their bond grew stronger with each passing season. The castle staff would often find them in the library late at night, heads bent together over ancient texts, or in the kitchen at dawn, stealing fresh-baked bread. Eleanor never saw Alexander as just a prince or future king - to her, he was simply her dearest friend.
When Alexander turned twenty-one and was crowned king, the kingdom celebrated for seven days and nights. Yet amidst all the grandeur and ceremony, his eyes sought only Eleanor. In the quiet of the palace garden where they first met, Alexander realized that his closest friend had become the love of his life.
One evening, under the same apple tree where they first shared fruit as children, Alexander asked Eleanor to be his queen. She answered not with the formal acceptance expected of a royal proposal, but with the same genuine warmth she'd shown him that first day - a bright smile and a simple "yes."
Their wedding united not just two hearts but brought joy to the entire kingdom. The people celebrated seeing their king marry not for political advantage, but for love. Eleanor became a beloved queen, her kindness and wisdom matching Alexander's just rule.
Together, they transformed their kingdom into a place where friendship and love were valued as much as duty and tradition. And in quiet moments, they could still be found in the garden, sharing apples and dreams, just as they had done as children.
The story of the lonely prince and the gardener's daughter became a favorite tale throughout the land, teaching that true friendship can blossom into the greatest love of all.
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