Weeks have passed since Kagane's encounter with the vicious Akuma, and he is struggling to come to terms with the Demon's views on the path to strength. In his contemplation, Kagane discovers that the Summon Gem, the symbol of the bond between him and Kozaru, has been cracked! Kozaru ominously warned that if it were to be broken, the entire village would be destroyed. And so, a new series of troubles start for Kagane and his friends...
Silver Cross tells tales of the Senkakusha, a special type of human descended from an ancient warrior. Two of these young Senakakusha, Kagane and Ryu, take it upon themselves to protect their hometown from the demons that would seek to prey on its residents. At first, the demons appear to simply be unorganised predators, but it becomes slowly apparent that all is not as it seems.
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